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  You could hear shouting in this god forsaking place. There's a match today. A blonde male against a brunette. The people around me, my mother and sister are annoying as hell. To top it all off, it was raining.

"Who do you think will win, Karai?"

"Not sure... they both look stupid to me..."

"Jesus, all men are stupid to you, Karai.." sighed my mother.

"It's true...."

"Well, not all of them are stupid, look on the brightside, at least Miss Karu doesn't have to arrange any marriages for us!" Said my cheerful sister, Uta.


I was planning on leaving, but I decided not to. Might as well see how well these, men, can do. Not that I care, afterall, I don't have any faith or sympathy to show these idiotic men. Especially for that stupid blonde.


Mr. Nogi and my mother go way back, mainly because he was the one who set my mother into some 50 year old man who owned a clothing business.

"Ah, Karu-chan! It's been a while!"

"Yes, well, I've been busy as usual, especially training my eldest daughter!"

"I see, so you and Mr. Hoge had another child?"

"No, I decided to adopt another child. Her parent were killed in a terrible accident. I knew Karai was lonely and loved her since they have first met at school, so now they are siblings!"

"That's very kind of you, Karu-chan! How old are the two girls now?"

"Uta just turned 18 and Karai is 21! And of course, Karai has her mothers' spirit~"

"Say, Karu-Chan, will you and your daughters accompany me and my fighter to their match? I'd love to see what your opinion is on the boy?"

"I'd be honored! After all, I still need to find a husband for Karai!"

"Did she finally changed her mind?"

"Haha! Nope!"

(Flashback end)

"Are you ready?! Take your stands!!"

"Let's see who'd be your potential husband, Karai~"

I looked at my mother in shock.

"Mother, are you serious?!" I shouted, "You promised me that you'd stop arranging any marriages!!"

"No, you misunderstood, I only said that to Uta~"

I felt my eyes twitch on my own. My own nails pierced my skin as I clenched my fists. I stormed off.


No matter how many times I've told her that I will not marry any man she finds, no matter how strong or tall they are. Then again, she doesn't listen. Why was I even trained? I was trained to fight! I wasn't made to be a housewife nor bare any responsibilities.

"For fucks sake... I'd rather do underground fighting than get married..."

Even after 6 years, this mask I wear, hides the scar that I've endured from protecting my fragile sister from being killed by my future husband. I hated him and his stupid family. Every last one of them.

I let out a shakey breath. There's no use telling off that woman. We are both the same. No matter how many times we've fought, we never come into terms or make a compromise because she will break them.

"Might as well wait here until the match ends.."


I looked over my shoulder to see Uta running towards me. I fixed myself and turned to face her. She was breathing heavily.

"Hah.... Karai... finally... found.... you..."

"What is it, Uta?"

"Phew... man that was a long way down! I came to tell you that the brunette won!"


"Oh yeah, I told Miss Karu to not pair you up with him! She didn't say much during the fight. Which is kinda weird."

"Pretty sure she was disappointed in the fight and expected more..''

"I figured that much.."

I watched her as she giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"Remember the time in one of your matches that the guy tried to hit on you after you inflicted damage on him?"

"Ugh, don't remind me.... men are such incompitent people..."

I turned to hear Mr. Nogi talking with my mother. I examined her face and I can tell she was disappointed. I felt myself grin under the grey mask I had.

"Girls, let's go home... I need my wine..''

"Mother, would it kill you to lay off the wine?"


"Let her be, Karai. Miss Karu is mourning."

"She's not mourning, she's pissed that the brunette or the blonde fuck didn't put up a real fight..."

"SHUT UP!!!"

"MAKE ME!!''

"Karai! Miss Karu!"


744 words

Kengan Asura: The Hoge FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now