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Finally! We managed to stop at our destination! Man, I couldn't wait to relax and read under the shade. Uta and I quickly gathered our belongings and exited the room we stayed in. We both turned to each other and giggled as soon as we met up with mother and her country boy toy. 

The moment my feet stepped on the sandy floor, a wave of familiarity filled my eyes. I felt a smile creeping up from under my mask for the second time in years. Oh, how I remember being in this same island when Uta and I were younger. We watched our mother fight in these matches with Orihima for hours to come. It's too bad she didn't come at all. I would have loved to see her.

"Hey, why don't we get changed to our bathing suits?" asked Uta.

''Oh, yeah, I brought a pair in case yours didn't fit anymore," I said.

"Oh, don't worry," she giggled, "I'm good with wearing the blue one piece I have."

''You sure?'' I asked, "I can still lend you the purple one."

"I'm good," Uta said.

"Girls! Why don't we find a spot to take some shelter from the sun?" Mother asked.

''You're just going to run off to find a place to fuck before the tournaments begin," I scoffed, "Like you haven't fucked all night."

"Well, it's not my fault I love men with blue eyes and blonde hair!" Mother huffed, "My dear Adam is my soulmate! Always and forever!"

I gagged as soon as Adam and mother kissed in front of Uta and I.

"I'm going to get changed," I yelled.

''Wait up, Karai!'' Uta shouted from behind.







As expected, mother and her boy toy ran off to go fuck somewhere. I sometimes wonder if mother really does have a high sex drive. Hell, sometimes I wonder if I have a high sex drive. No matter, Uta and I are having a blast. We each placed our beach towel on the sandy floor and helped each other apply sunscreen on our backs.

"Hey, Karai~ Hey, Uta~" giggled Lihito.

"Go flirt with someone else, you over grown gorilla," I scoffed.

"Damn, you're mean," Lihito pouted.

"If you'd like, I can apply some sunscreen on you and your friend!" Uta offered.

I quickly stood up and snatched the sunscreen away from her hand and threw it to the ocean. I pulled my claws out and glared at Lihito and his other friend.

"One word outta you two, and I'm slicing you to mince pieces!" I shouted.

"Karai! Don't be mean!" Uta huffed.

"Those two are nothing but a bunch of perverts, Uta!" I countered.

While Uta and I were bickering back and forth, Lihito and his friend were already gone by the time we turned around to talk to them. 

"Huh, I guess they ran off in fear," I chuckled.

"Jerk," Uta scoffed.

"Oh, shut up," I grumbled, "C'mon, let's go for a walk."

While we walked, we saw Ohma run past us and following behind him was Karla. I think that was her name. I guess she fell for his strength. I looked at Uta and saw her shrug her shoulders. We went back to walking. Despite the tournament coming into play, this island had always brought me so much warmth.

I know I never had a good relationship with my mother. I have never approved of her decisions when it came to Uta and I. Especially when it came to marrying us off. Orihima was the first person in my life to take my place and marry one of the contestants before all this. I couldn't thank her enough for this.

"Hey, Karai?"


"Did you see something open just now?" asked Uta.

"No, why?" I asked.

She pointed to what looked like a portal. I tilted my head to a side as I examined the portal. I took a few steps towards it, but felt Uta grab my arm. I turned my head to face her and saw her shaking her head. I turned back to the portal and gasped as I saw a tall male step out of the portal. He had a tan complexion, short messy blonde hair, a stubble on his chin, blue eyes and a lion tail?

Uta hid behind me as the male turned around to stare at us. He looked shocked but he was smiling softly at us. My eyes widened as I stared at those blue ocean eyes. They were just so hypnotizing. I hated it. I growled loudly as I ran towards him. He screamed loudly as soon as I jumped in the air to attack. In a blink of an eye, he was grabbed by the hair and pulled up to a portal above.

I fell face first on the sand and heard Uta's footsteps rushing towards me. I lifted my head up and growled loudly and stood up angrily, "What the fuck?!" I shouted, "I was so close to harm him and he just-"

"Karai, calm down," Uta said, "Come on, let's go find Mr. Karu."

"Yeah, I need a fucking drink anyways," I grumbled loudly.








"Phew! That was a close one," I said, "Thanks for saving my ass there, Arvid."


"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" I shouted.

"You really are an idiot," Arvid grumbled, "Siraphina is gonna be so pissed if I don't head to her dimension right this minute! Not to mention your mom and dad are fuming!"

"Relax, I still need time to get used to this teleportation," I dismissed him, "Besides, I sort of made a girl fall for me~"

"...The only girl who loves you is your mom," Arvid mumbled sarcastically, "Who is she anyway?"

"First off, mom doesn't count," I said, "Second, she was like a god!"

"Oh, god," Arvid groaned.

"She had soft pale skin, beautiful ruby red eyes, thick thighs, wide hips, white hair with black hair," I said with a soft sigh, "But she wore a mask over her face then just attacked me out of nowhere!"

"Yeah, well, maybe she didn't like the fact that you were oogling her," Arvid said.

"I was not! I just smiled at her," I said, "Plus, I think she was into me for a moment before she came at me."

"Right, keep telling yourself that, Rosi," Arvid mumbled.

"And I will!"


1028 words

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