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The black haired boy was thrown against the wall groaning.

"Give me the goddanm money." The guy that threw him said in a calm voice grabbing the boy by the collar punching him pinning him against the wall hard.

"P-please! I promise!! I'll pay as soon as I get the money-!!" "You have two days, if I don't have my money, I'll beat the fuck out of you." The guy whispered, smirking he kisses the boy biting his lip hearing him whimper as he lets go. "I- I promise- I'll have your money.." "good boy." The man says, kicking him in the stomach he chuckled walking away.

Niragi coughed out blood as tears were sliding down his face, sobbing he tilted his head back as his vision was blurry and it all went black.

Time skip...

He opened his eyes gasping sitting up. "You're finally awake Niragi." Niragi turned to see the school nurse, Chishiya. Chishiya was a medical student, very young, but he was surely smart.

"W-what am I doing here??" "I so happened to find you outside while I was eating lunch, your injuries look serious." "It's nothing seriou-" "I already informed the principal." " WHAT!? " Niragi thought. "No no no I'm fine!! Please tell him I'm okay-!" "He's already watching the footage Niragi, I know who did this to you." He said, getting out of his chair sitting on the little bed with Niragi as Niragi just stared.

"Wanna tell me why you don't want him in trouble?" "He'd hurt my little sister.. I dearly care about her." "She'll be fine, I promise." Chishiya says, putting his hand on Niragi's as Niragi's eyes widened.

" fuck, I'm gonna scream, goddammit he's so fucking attractive.. " "you ever had a girl chase you?" "Huh?" "I can't help but notice how many times girls have had to fake them self being injured in SOME places so I'd look." "O-oh, I've never really had anyone that did that." "Out of all the people in your grade, you're practically my favorite." "Really?" "Yeah, you've never threatened me because your girlfriend was obsessed, nor have you ever tried to kiss me."

As I said, Chishiya was a medical student, about 19 years old, he was the youngest to work there. "Ow.." Niragi softly groaned from something. "Something wrong?" "It's my bruise." "Where is it?" "It's on my thigh." "Oh, do you mind pointing at it for me?" "It's right here." Niragi says pointing at the middle of his upper thigh. "Try not to touch it, I'm sure it'll disappear." "Mr. Chishiya?" "You can just call me Chishiya." He said, studying Niragi's face he realized he was bleeding.

He got up grabbing a cotton ball and alcohol. "No no..please.." "it'll sting a bit, you'll be fine." Chishiya says applying the cotton ball onto the red.

Niragi whimpers as Chishiya calms him down. "It stings.." "Calm down, you don't want people hearing you, correct?" "Yeah.." "The days almost over, but you're staying here until I get notified that the guy that did this to you is gone." "Chishiya?" "Yes?" "Have you ever..I mean, kissed a boy?" "Such a random question." Chishiya says chuckling. "Sorry.." "although, why? Do you want me to kiss you?" "NO-! I-I mean, no.." "you seem nervous, everything okay?" Chishiya says smirking at the pink man.

"I'm FINE.." "You're pretty cute, you know?" "Uh- thank you." Niragi stutters as Chishiya chuckles.

Getting interrupted the two men hear knocking on the door, Chishiya gets up opening it as Niragi looks at him. "Oh Mr. Chishiya!! I'm so sick!" "What's wrong?" Chishiya says backing up to allow her to come in as she gags. " who the fuck does she think she is?? "  Niragi thought, Chishiya walked up to him whispering, "just sleep for a bit, I'll deal with her." That made Niragi's face sting. " goddanm he's hot.. " he thought, carefully watching Chishiya.

"May you call my mother?" "If you're not feeling well, of course." Chishiya says smiling, Niragi made a small scoff looking away. While Chishiya starts pressing the buttons on his phone Niragi just stared at the girl.

"What are you looking at??" She lip synced. "He doesn't want you." Niragi say slip syncing back as she rolls her eyes. "She's on her way." Chishiya says turning around smiling at the girl. "I'll go get my things." She said as she walked out the room glaring at Niragi. "Little bitch.." He said under his breath.

Chishiya noticed as he sat closer to Niragi this time. "Everything okay?" "Yeah.." "You mind if I drive you home?" "Not at all." "Just wait until the day ends, I'll drive you there." "Thank you." "Does your mom know?" "About what?" "Your bruises." "Oh! Uh- no.." "does ANYBODY besides me know??" "His friends do, he doesn't kiss me when they're around though." "He kisses you??" Chishiya says raising his tone. "Kind of ruined my first kiss." "And you just, let him??" "I'm sorry.." "goddammit.." Chishiya whispered looking away holding Niragi's hand tightly.

"You're upset, why?" "I just, don't like him." "You didn't do anything." "I don't like him though." "Right.." "Mr. Chishiya! I'm leaving!" The girl says from outside. "Get home safe!" "I will!" She shouts as the two boys hear her giggle a bit.

"I don't like her." Niragi says catching Chishiya's attention. "What'd she do??" "Nothing, I owe him money." "For what?" "Spilling something on his dumb fancy shirt." "So that's why you're here?" "Mhm." "You're not paying that asshole." "I need to.." Niragi mumbles, Chishiya places Niragi's hand on Chishiya's thigh as Niragi's eyes widened.

Niragi stared at the man, he looked so beautiful, too beautiful. "Y-you're really pretty.." "you think?" Chishiya questioned as Niragi just nodded his head making him smile.

Niragi imaged Chishiya as an angel, he was very pretty in Niragi's eyes. " his lips look so soft.. " Chishiya noticed how quiet Niragi was. "You okay?" "Huh? Oh! Yeah.." squeezing Chishiya's thigh Chishiya tilted his head back sighing. " seems tired.. " Niragi thought. "Kind of wish the day would end." "Me too." Niragi says as the two stayed quit for a while.

"Oh shit." "What?" "I forgot todays the last day before winter break." "Oh, I noticed that too." Niragi said, moving his hand upper as Chishiya looked at where Niragi's hand was. "You think your mom would care if you hung out with me?" "I mean, if I said "school nurse" then yeah." He says chuckling, "but if I said a year older than me, then she'd probably beg for me to stay there." He says as Chishiya chuckled, "I wouldn't mind a sleepover." Causing Niragi's face to sting.

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