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He opens his eyes looking down seeing the blonde haired man clinged onto him, smiling he kisses his forehead hearing tiny meows, he looks at the floor seeing about 3 kittens meowing.

" I forgot about them, they're probably out of food. " he thought, slowly moving Chishiya off of him trying not to wake up.

Successfully he gets out of bed heading downstairs seeing the big bag of cat food, pouring it into their bowls as they all meow thanking him.

He smiles sitting down as one particular cat forms into a ball in his lap, the cat had fluffy white fur and brown eyes.

Feeling claws on his pants the cat starts to make biscuits on him purring loudly, he smiles scratching the cats neck causing it to pur more.

"Niragi?" He heard, slightly turning his head he sees Chishiya with a blanket wrapped around him as he yawns. "Who woke you up?" "Bag of food." "Sorry." "Not like I needed anymore sleep anyway, do they still have water?" Chishiya asks as Niragi turns his head back checking. "Yeah." He says picking up the tiny cat placing it on the ground softly getting up he walks up to Chishiya softly kissing him.

"I love you." "I love you too." The black haired man whispers feeling something in between his legs looking down he sees the cat from before rubbing his head against his leg.

"Think he likes you." Chishiya says picking the kitten up moving his paws. "I love you more though." "Mm, I think he loves you more than me." "I wanna kiss you." Niragi says as the tiny cat jumps off Chishiya landing on Niragi's shoulder having his paws dangle.

"Then kiss me." Chishiya whispers making Niragi smirk cupping his cheeks he kisses him biting his lip causing him to moan softly as they hear something drop onto the floor, stopping Niragi slowly turns around seeing a young boy with black hair. "Uh-" "dad..who the hell is that??" The boy says still having his jaw dropped.

"A..friend." "I don't like him, kick him out." "lil' shit? I'll slap you." "There will be no slapping." Yeah there will, me and you, tonight." Niragi says ignoring the fact that Chishiya's son was right there.

Gagging Chishiya's son pushes through them going upstairs gagging loudly stepping into his room. "Be glad I let you stay at that random kids house!" Chishiya shouts getting upset, feeling soft kisses on his neck he pushes Niragi off of him. "Whattt?? I didn't do anything wronggg.." "you called my son a "little shit"." "It was actually "lil' shit." For your information." "Shut up, give me your moms number." "Why?" "So I can inform her that you're going home." "What!? No! Please! Let me stay a bit longer!" "No." Chishiya says as Niragi gets on his knees tugging on Chishiya's shirt begging.

Sighing Chishiya pulls him back up heading upstairs as Niragi follows after him, plopping onto the bed Chishiya moans. "I'm not even inside of you yet?" "That was a moan explaining how tired I am, now let me sleep." Chishiya muffles through a pillow drowning into the covers as he feels naked when Niragi pulls them off of him. "I wanna cuddle." "Asshole, I'm tired." "Then I'll cuddle you." "No." "Pleaseee!!" "Okay okay! Just shut up.." Chishiya says as Niragi closes the door plopping on top of Chishiya.

He smiles kissing his lovers neck softly sliding his hands up his shirt. "I wanna remove your clothes." "Why are you so horny all the time.." "you started the tension between us?? You put my hand on your thigh." "...so?" "You're so lucky your sons home, I swear to god I'd fuck the living shit out of you." "You're a bottom." "No I'm not, you are." The two boys argued about that, even though they've never experienced the real thing.

"I'm an expert." "No you aren't." Chishiya says kissing Niragi. The two boys made out as each second would pass by.

Time skip...

Watching him rest Niragi frowns. " I don't wanna go home.. " he thought, giving Chishiya one last kiss he grabs his bag walking out of Chishiya's room closing the door softly heading downstairs he bumps into Chishiya's son. "And where are you going?" "Home, if it wasn't obvious." "Look, my dad has a girlfriend, and she's fucking crazy so, be glad she's out of town." "Uh, okay.." "you have my dads number right?" "Yeah, why?" "Just, I'll text you, and you better text me before you ever think about coming here." "Alright then." Niragi says opening the front door saying bye to the boy leaning on the wall.

Covering up his head he walks on the sidewalk looking at all the puddles, shivering from the cold.

" I'm surprised Chishiya's house is just a few minutes away from mine. " he thought, checking the time as his phone said it was 11:27 am.

Going to his contacts he calls his mother to inform that he was on his way.

"Why'd you call? Do you want me to pick you up?" "It won't be necessary. I just wanted to let you know I'm on my way." "Ah, I see. I'll see you there sugu." "Me too." "I love you." "I love you too." He says hanging up putting his phone back into his pocket.

Niragi's cheeks burned, thinking about what the boy said. " "my dad has a girlfriend."?? Chishiya would never do that kind of shit, I fucking hate this feeling.. " he thought, thinking about something, someone, thinking about his sister.

Finally arriving he opened the front door taking off his shoes sighing. "Did you eat yet?" Startling him he looked up seeing his mother. "Yeah." "What'd you eat? Was it enough? Do you want me to make you something?" "Mom, why don't you just rest for once?" "I'm bored! I cleaned the house three times already and I have nothing else to do, I already finished making your fathers food." "He doesn't come back in more than two hours?" "I know." She says smiling.

Walking up to him she gives him a big hug kissing him. "Okay okay- I love you." "Aww, I love you too." She says smiling letting go of him as they hear someone's footsteps. "And where were you at?" The young girl questioned as Niragi smiled. "I was just, with a friend." "Yeah. "Friend"." She says smirking. "Who was it?" "Just a friend from school." "I hope you're not doing anything bad, sugu." "I would never." He says promising he didn't do anything.

Heading to his room he threw himself onto his bed closing his eyes as they got heavier.

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