2: Mr Brightside

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2 years had gone by since the fall of L'manburg. Ranboo missed the simplicity of everything.

Tommy was now King of the Dream SMP. After the death of George, Eret stepped down from her position. Ranboo thought it was a smart move considering how blood thirsty Tommy had become.

Ranboo had became Tommy's right hand man. They wouldn't say they were exactly afraid of Tommy but they should be.

Tommy ran the Dream SMP with an iron fist. Ranboo had lost count of how many executions they had to attend.

Ranboo was the only one who was able to keep Tommy calm. Not that it really worked.

Especially after getting reports about Tubbo's condition. Which was never getting better.

Tubbo was always looking on the brink of death. His complexion was ghostly and his eyes never threatened to open.

Ranboo was the only one of their friends that hadn't lost themselfs.

Ranboo sat next to Tommy. The meetings were their least favourite thing to do in the castle.

The Drawing room was too scary for the hybrid. The room was made from cracked blackstone tiles that allowed no light in. The circular oak table was stained in blood and Tommy had no intention of removing it.

"It makes me look scary" He had told Ranboo.

Tommy wasn't scary to Ranboo. Ranboo saw a scared boy hidden behind a mask. Ranboo saw it as means of survival.

Tommy had the mask on as he glared down from the red and gold throne at Punz.

Tommy wanted an update on The Eggpire and Punz wasn't giving him very good answers.

"what do you mean they've disappeared?" the boy growled.

His eyes were wild as if he would attack at any moment. He had to praise Punz on his lack of fear.

Punz was armoured up. All except his helmet was on. His posture was challenging Tommy's , but Ranboo knew he wasn't stupid enough to act on any wishes of attacking he might have.

Tommy wasn't any better at fighting then he was 2 years ago. But he had nothing left to lose and that made him the most dangerous person in the land.

"I mean they have just ditched. None of my men can find them. Trust me ive searched the whole Dream SMP for Bad but he's just vanished" Punz scowled.

Tommy's frown deepened as he leant back in his throne.

"I would lower your voice at me unless you want to end up like Jack" Tommy gnarled back.

Punz tensed up at that. His hand was pulled into a fist and Tommy gave an animalistic smile that made Ranboo's blood curl. 

Punz lowered his head in response.

"i'll keep looking" He said with a slight edge to his tone and started to storm out. 

"If you come back empty handed again the you'll lose more than a finger" Tommy finished.

Ranboo winced as they finished his threat. Ranboo remembered Tommy's reign of terror. After he killed Dream; Punz, George and Jack manifold came after him. Punz got the better end of the deal by only getting his pinkie removed. Jack and George met a much worse fate.

Ranboo was now alone with Tommy. The blond turned his head towards the Enderman. His face changing back to the Tommy he was used to. His eyes softened and a little smirk returned to his face.

"That guy am i right? no wonder he gets no bitches" He joked.

"Like you have any" Ranboo responded.

Tommy gasped in faux shock.

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