8: Just how family is

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To say that breakfast was awkward would be the understatement of the century.

Tommy sat at the head of the long table while Wilbur sat and the other end.

Wilbur wished that he could just hug his brother.

He wanted more than anything to be able to heal Tommy. His Tommy.

But Tommy wasn't his anymore. He hadn't been his for 2 years.

His Tommy had bright and brilliant blue eyes that saw the world as a wonder. They looked fate in the eye and flipped her the middle finger.

This Tommy looked at the world with rage. His once wondrous eyes looked cold and defeated. This Tommy was a time bomb just waiting for death's grasp.

It wasn't his Tommy. It wasn't the Tommy that he grew up with.

It saddened Wilbur to no end. How could someone with their whole life ahead of them look like they were on the verge of giving up.

Tommy sat up like he was challenging Wilbur. His hands laid on the table.

"Some ground rules. If I'm busy, don't even think about speaking to me. You do what I say at all times" He looked at Techno as he spoke the last rule.

"And do not even think about seeing Tubbo. If I hear that you were even remotely close to his room then I will feed you to Shroud." He sneered across the table.

Tubbo. Wilbur had forgotten about Tubbo's condition.

Wilbur thought back to the excited young boy. Tubbo was always down for an adventure and Wilbur admired him.

There was no better fit for L'manburg than Tubbo. Maybe that was another one of Wilbur's mistakes.

He was the one who should have taken the hits instead of Tubbo. He should have dealt with Dream. He should have stayed.

Tommy could grieve Wilbur but he would never get over Tubbo.

"That sounds fair to me son" Phil spoke.

Tommy's eyes narrowed in Phil.

"New rule. Don't call me son" He demanded.

Phil's eyes saddened as he looked at his youngest. Did Phil feel the same as Wilbur? Did he see himself as a failure too?

Ranboo sat next to Phil in silence. Their eyes glanced at Wilbur several times.

The five ate in silence except Tommy who didn't touch his food.

The table was full of pancakes and different fruits and berries and a sweet tasting bacon that Techno didn't touch.

Wilbur had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice laid out next to him.

After a while of silence, Tommy made his stand.

Ranboo was quick to dissolve the idea of leaving.

"Sit down" they said. No emotion in their tone.

Tommy froze and stared at his elder.

"I've got important shit to do Ranboob" Tommy groaned.

Ranboo stopped eating and looked up at Tommy.

"What important stuff do you need to do? You're next meeting isn't for another hour"

Tommy groaned and thumped back into his chair with his arms crossed.

"You suck Ranboob" He quipped.

"And you need to be civil with your family"

Wilbur didn't expect Ranboo to have so much authority over Tommy. But they did.

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