Hatching Some Plans

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The following morning the penguins get to deal with a morning hangover Kowalski. How lovely is that?

But at least he was out of his lab for reasons other than the theft of ice cream or vodka. Kowalski leans his head on the table with a growl.

"And this is why you shouldn't drink." Skipper gives him a look.

Kowalski merely lifts a flipper at him.

Private frowns, looking in the fridge. "Odd, we're out of food."

"Out of food?" Skipper frowns, glancing over. ".... I guess someone can tell Freckles, since that's kinda her job."

Private nods and gets the walkie. "Bridget? Over."

However, there wasn't a quick response to the walkie this time.

"Hello? Bridget?"

Another moment passes, but finally, it crackles at him, beeping a bit.

"Hey Kid, Uh sorry. Somethin wrong?" Her voice answers...in a low melancholy tone.

"Um, kind of—"

"Yeah, we have no food." Skipper shouts over him.

"Wha— Whadda mean ya got no food?" Her voice picks up.

"I mean we ain't got no food. Dunno where it went, but it ain't here."

"Shouldn't Alice or someone else fed ya by now? It's almost 10!"

"I guess we can check topside."

Kowalski looks over. "...You're not coming today?"

"I—" The radio pauses.

"...I didn't wanna tell ya but... yeah. Today's not a good day."

"O h." Kowalski nods a little. "Then we'll figure out something and see you tomorrow?"

Skipper motions for Rico to check topside. "If they haven't fed us, we'll just go get something. It's fine."

The walkie falls silent again. Probably a good thing too, since hearing a grown woman muttering and cursing in thought wouldn't be pleasant. But then it crackles again, speaking with a sigh. "I'll pick up somethin for ya fellas. Shipments are probably slow ta arrive. I'll be there soon"

And the radio goes silent for good.

Kowalski looks at the walkie talkie with a frown. "...Something's bothering her."

"She did sound sorta sad," Private frowns. "Did she get sick again?"

"Better not have. Last thing we need is another case of croup," Skipper rolls his eyes

Kowalski gets up. "I'm off to shower." He states before waddling off. He may have to approach Bridget about it later... In the meanwhile, he should take a shower, see if that'll make him feel better. Should be able to keep his mind preoccupied from dwelling about Dor— his hangover.

As the sulking genius disappears into his lab, Rico pokes his head down into the HQ with a sad sigh and shakes his head. "No fish."

Skipper grumbles, shaking his head. "Figures, lazy, good for nothing—"

From the topside, a group of young zookeepers walks by the penguin habitat, chatting away on whatever gossipy topics they can come up with.

"You should've seen him. So hot and rich. He's getting his bachelor's degree, and plans on being a college professor~"

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