Historical Amazement

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 Several hours later, four penguins wait outside the zoo with a couple of boxes of pizza and a pie.

Bridget hasn't arrived yet, but in her defense, the penguins have set up 5 minutes early. Kowalski double-checks his clipboard for the small present he has and puts it back on his feet.

"You think she'll like it? It's last minute, but I put lots of care into it." Private whispers to Kowalski, slightly nervous.

"I'm sure she will, it's very nice." Although not certain himself, he pats his head reassuringly, which made Private smile.

In the distance, they hear the sound of roller skates approaching. The four look over, bearing relieved expressions that she did actually come.

She was really a human of her word. As if that's not the only noticeable thing. The ginger wore a nice purple flannel and some long blue jeans. Yeah, she still wore a gray tank top, but hey, she wasn't wearing completely baggy clothes.

And her hair even looks brushed... slightly.

Kowalski wags his tail as he notices this. "You did dress up!"

"Yep," Bridget awkwardly rubs the back of her neck, and then points at the food.

"Where ya get that?"

"The pizza? That was delivery." Skipper shrugs.

"The pie we made." Private smiles.

Nodding, their caretaker bites her lip. "K, we ready?" Although sounding impatient, she was simply on the slightly anxious side. The penguins nod and show her the way to the museum.

"Ya want me ta carry somethin?"

"Nah, we've got it." Skipper shakes his head. "But you could give someone a boost to unlock the door when we get there."

Bridget nods and then glances away nervously.

They waddle up to the museum. Rico gets out a paperclip.

She looks down at him and tries to think of a way to pick him up without it being weird. She's never really picked them up during this entire time.

Seeing her awkwardness, Kowalski clears his throat. "Just put your hands together like you're giving someone a boost and he'll hop up."

"O-Oh," Sheepishly biting her lips, Bridget bends down on one knee, doing as her Padre instructed towards Rico, and then gestures her hands at him when she's ready. Rico hops up with a nod and starts picking the lock.


It wouldn't be a lie to say she squirmed lightly at first, which made Rico wobble and grumble at her. It doesn't last but a moment as he quickly gets to work. The door clicks open with Rico hops down. She shakes her hands afterward.

"I could've picklocked it," Bridget grumbles.

"You could have spoken up." Skipper glances at her.

'... Fuck me I could've'

She peers away from them, deadpanning as she unlocks the door to allow them in. The four penguins waddle inside.

"Welcome to the museum after hours. Please watch your step until I get the alarm turned off." Kowalski says before sliding off.

To not set off anything, Bridget stood silently still by the front entrance, tapping her foot patiently and impatiently.

However, it would be a lie to say that she didn't already find herself intrigued by the museum. From what she was able to view so far, it looks incredibly impressive.

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