Sally Forth to Wally World

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"You know, this is getting ridiculous. How the deuce is EVERYONE out of stock on silver jewelry?" Skipper huffs.

"Besides earrings." Kowalski nods.

The flatheaded penguin gives him a look. "Oh yeah, like we can just put on a pair of those. WE DON'T HAVE EXTERNAL EARS, KOWALSKI."

"Skipper, hey, hey, there's no need to shout at him. It's not his fault everyone's out of silver." Marlene gently scolds him, shaking her head.

Kowalski then sighs. "Maybe lunch will help us think of other places to check."

From morning to late afternoon, our gang of weirdos had bust after bust of shops, politely informing them (or well, mostly Bridget) that all of the silver they owned was sold out, and that their shipments too weren't going to be in for a while. And with this strange repeated pattern of failing growing under their skins (or feathers and fur respectively), it was mutually decided that they should have their lunch break. 

You know it's bad when they had to search all the way till Queens just to find some accessible silver.

At that time, Bridget, with Private who accompanies her by her shoulder, comes around with a huge tray of fish tacos. While Kowalski may have wanted to buy the silver, he didn't say she couldn't buy them lunch. 

"Alright, this should tide us over." The caretaker nods, setting the food down on the table with the others waiting by. She doesn't have to tell them twice. The hungry animals dive in for their late lunch.

'I should've fed them earlier. Would've stopped Rico from tryin ta gnaw those fish decorations from the last store' 

Sitting down afar from the others (not far away, just two seats spaces away. Just to give them personal eating space), Bridget then grabs her veggie taco to munch on.

Nibbling his taco, the penguin leader sighs. "Alright, so we can't find silver. Just means we can go to the matinee showing tomorrow instead."

"Silver is gone missin around two boroughs of New York, and it's the movie you're focused on?" The ginger stops mid-bite to ask with a look.

"It's not just a movie, Freckles, it's Commodore Danger."

"I don't even know the series—" She rolls her eyes and tries to get them back on topic. "But regardless, is it not strange that in a matter of weeks that not only yours but everywhere in New York is out of one specific metal?"

"How can you—" He starts before rubbing his flippers down his face. "Yes, it's suspicious." 

"But suspicious of what? Who could possibly know of our condition enough at this point and also be aware that we need silver?" Kowalski sighs.

"Could it be the same person who keeps stealing our silver? Maybe they stole their silver too." Private suggests.

Bridget thinks on this for a moment, pondering on certain factors Kowalski brought on the tables, as well as Private's. 

'... Someone that knows the penguins, their condition, and wantin ta mess them up... It couldn't be... well...' 

"... Could it be that Blowjob guy?"

The penguins make eye contact for a moment.

"He would fit the situation rather well..." Kowalski frowns.

"Of course!" Skipper hops to his feet. "He's stealing our silver so that we can't go to the movie premiere just to tick me off."

Marlene face-palms behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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