Episode Six: The Cursed Painting

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The Freys finally make it home but they couldn't believe it. To their surprise, their house had been trashed.

"Who did this?" said Oliver.

"I don't know, but they clearly were looking for something," said David. Then Emily checked her pocket.

"Shoot!" she said.

"Where's the rock?" she said.

"I don't know," said Oliver.

Olivia closed her eyes.

"They took it," she said, opening them.

"Who are 'they'?" asked Oliver.

Emily couldn't believe it.

"It was Siren!" she yelled.

"I have to get that rock."

"No, it's too dangerous," said David.

"We have to come up with another plan," said David.


At the siren base, they took the rock and put it in the machine.

"It's boom time baby," said the general.

They started the machine and this time it worked for a second.


Something bad happened. Something evil flew directly out of the painting. Then the machine started to explosed. Sparks flew everywhere.

"We need to get out!" said the workers. They ran for the exit, but it was too late.

"Boom!" The building blew up.


Back at the Freys, Emily finally found the rock and setted it at the table. The rest of the family was working on a plan to stop Ophelia Covett, but it was much too late.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she said.

She had a horrible headache and her nose was bleeding. Emily walked up the stairs and she was covering her ears. She banged open the doors. She heard the noise and it was getting louder and louder. She heard the music box but couldn't find it. She was knocking over everything. Tipping over boxes and destroying them. She was going insane. The lights started to flicker making things even worse for her. Then she accidently pulled the curtains down off the painting. She looked at the painting!

"Oh no!" she said.

Then she froze in fear. She saw the music box in the painting. She decided to reach for it but couldn't get it. The portal of the painting opened. The lights stopped flickering and the Artist was there. She had a red dot in her arm. Emily checked her arm and it appeared there on her arm. Then she saw herself in the painting. Something grabbed her. The music stopped and she put the curtain back over the painting.

"Kill them all," whispered a voice to Emily.

"Yes, I will," said Emily. She saw a knife and grabbed it. David walked up the stairs. She quickly put the knife behind her.

"Who are you talking to-" he said drifting off in shock.

Her clothes had turned white to red and black and her eyes turned from brown to red too.

"The Artist has been waiting for you," she said, walking closer to David.

"What's come over you?" he asked.

Olivia and Oliver were still coming up with the plan.

Then they stared at each other.

"What's taking them so long?" asked Oliver.

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