Chapter One - Advertisement

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You yanked the strap of your bag onto your shoulder as you closed the door to the small coffee shop where you worked. You had the closing shift, and you made sure that the door was locked before walking away and down the dreary street and towards your small apartment.

You stopped at the crosswalk that you needed to cross, standing there and waiting for the walk signal. As you waited, a piece of paper that was tacked to the pole of the traffic light caught your attention.

"Looking for band member, need to be able to sing or play instrument."

There were tabs under the plain piece of paper with a phone number written out. You shrugged and tugged one of the strips off. Maybe you would call, what's the worst that could happen? You could sort of play guitar, and you figured you were an okay singer, and you also didn't have anything going on at the moment.

You pressed the paper into your pocket before crossing the street. You'd call when you got home. You thought it was a little sketchy about how there was no other information in the advertisement, but hey, it's something to do.

You kept walking, watching the cars drive by until you got back to your apartment. Your roommate was lying on the old couch in your living room, watching some dumb tv show and eating your pretzels.

"Hey, I bought those pretzels, those are mine," You frowned, locking the door behind you as you stepped inside.

"Yeah well you ate my grapes last week. We're even." They said, popping another pretzel in their mouth.

You sighed and sat down in the chair next to the couch. You were too tired to deal with this nonsense, so you just let it go.

You sat there for a minute, staring at the TV, your bag on the floor next to you. You suddenly remembered the piece of paper in your pocket and that you needed to call the number. Hopefully, some creepy dude didn't pick up. You reached into your pocket and fished out the thing strip of paper and pulled out your phone,

"Bro, I'm gonna join a band." You said to your roommate, who seemed very focused on their show.

"That's nice. Remember me when you're famous." They joked.

You rolled your eyes, "The poster seems sketchy, so if I suddenly go missing, you know why."

They giggled a bit before crunching on a pretzel and returning to their show.

You turned on your phone and dialed the phone number, checking twice to see if you got it right. You took a deep breath, you were nervous to call, you never liked phone calls. You pressed the call button and pressed your phone to your ear.

Ring ring

Ring ring

The phone seemed to ring for an awfully long time, which made you all the more anxious. Suddenly, somebody picked up, and a man's slurred voice sounded through the phone.

"Er- Hi, who is this?"

"Uh, hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)? I'm calling about the uh band thing?"

"Oh, uh, yeah yeah.." The line went silent for a second, then the man spoke again. He had a thick accent. "You can sing?"

"Yeah! I think so, at least. I can also play guitar."

"Oh, that's great. We'll uh.. Call you back if you get the part."

"Oh uh, alright. Guess we'll talk then?"

"Yup." And then the man hung up

"Huh.." You mumbled. You stood up and stretched, picking up your bag.

"You get the part?" Your roommate questioned

"Uh, I dunno. He said he'd call me back?"

You walked to your room, thinking about how sketchy this whole thing seemed. You closed your bedroom door and threw your bag into the corner. You laid down on your cheap mattress and sighed, tired from work. You were so tired in fact, that you forgot to plug in your phone for the next morning. You fell asleep before you could even think about it.

The next morning you woke up late since your alarm for work didn't go off because your phone was, in fact, completely dead. You cursed at yourself and quickly threw on whatever clothes you were wearing before running out the door. You had completely forgotten about the call from yesterday, the only thing you were thinking about was getting to work as soon as possible. 

You grabbed your dead phone and your charger, shoving both in your bag as you swung open your bedroom door and speed-walked out to the front door and out of the house, your roommate yelling, "You're late!" As you rushed by them. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You decided today you were going to take the fastest shortcut that you knew of to work, the one which included passing through a secluded alleyway.

You walked through the dark, dreary alleyway, praying that nobody would get in the way of you and your work. Sadly, your prayers were not answered. You knew something was off the moment some guy with a dark hood rounded the corner and started following you. You knew you should've run, but then he would've known that you knew he was there, and he would run after you. You stayed pretending you didn't realize he was there, and boy did you regret that.

After a few seconds of walking awfully quickly in your direction, the sketchy stranger was practically right behind you. You were about to make a run for it when a large, strangely pale hand (which looked green in what you assumed was the lighting) grabbed your arm and pulled you back. Of course, you immediately panicked and elbowed whoever the guy was in the side. 

He let go, groaning, and you ran. Oh god, why did this happen to you today? Now you'd be even later to work! You thought you were gonna make it out safely, looking back at the man and seeing that he was a good distance behind you when you suddenly tripped over something. You yelled, "Shit!" Before trying to get up again, unfortunately, the guy was already on top of you. His hand was in his pocket and he was trying to wrestle something out of it. Before he could get whatever it was- probably some sort of weapon- you had struggled enough so that you were able to reach up and punch the guy in the nose. He yelped, and you pushed him off and got up again, but before you could run, he grabbed your ankle and you fell into a wall.

 Your head was spinning, and the last thing you saw before blacking out was the guy standing above you.

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