To awaken a God

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The next morning, Aurora woke up to find her mom gone and a note that said, "he was looking at your ass." with a smiley face. She chuckled as she stretched and got out of bed to wander to the balcony and opened the door to step out into the sunshine and yawned, looking around at the ocean and beach across from the hotel and all the shops. Aurora grinned, she was going on an adventure as she spun and went to change and have breakfast. A few hours later as she walked along the street looking in windows she found a curious shop with ancient roman tablets in the window most people walked past and never noticed it she walked in to look at them one tablet caught her eye it had had the name of Apollo on it. The shopkeeper watched her smirking as she started reading it she got excited it was a map, and it told of a secret cave temple of Apollo's down off the beach among the cliffs. She thought this was probably a fake and started to put it back when the shopkeeper spoke up, I think you might want that it could change your destiny. She looked at him picking it back up and said why not and bought the tablet, she followed the directions on the tablet to some cliffs, and saw a worn path down to the cave anyone would have missed it if they hadn't known what they were looking for so carrying her backpack as she walked slowly down the cliff to a small alcove in the rocks and climbed into it turning on her flashlight, she walked along the walls looking and ancient frescoes of battles of Apollo standing in his shining armor fighting a giant snake it was amazing! She ran her hands across the fresco, touching Apollo's body. At that moment, Apollo felt a tingle go down his spine and shook it off. She did not know how long she had walked, but she stepped into a main chamber where an altar sat with a brazier on it, she went over, and it still had oil in it. So, she lit it as the whole chamber became bathed in light it took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but she was in awe of the frescoes that were on the walls of a fierce battle of Apollo's one she knew by heart it was of the battle for his temple at Delphi against Hercules over his priestess denying Hercules a prophecy. Turning in circles looking at them and till her eyes rested on the altar, and she could see a prayer? Or was it an inscription on the altar she walked around it and started translating it as she walked around the altar a few loose rocks fell from the ceiling as she was almost finished then a low rumble started at the entrance she started to back up and make a move to the opening when rocks fell and blocked her path she was trapped! Well hell! She said as she dusted herself off and walked to the altar, which was cracked, she kicked it, stupid! Stupid, she could hear her mom's voice, never read the inscriptions aloud! She kicked the alter again as pain shot up her leg, damn it! How am I going to get out of here? Meanwhile, in a recording studio near the hotel Apollo was about to start playing the guitar when he heard the whisper on the wind, it was the sealing inscription, and he had not heard that in a REALLY long time. He growled, whoever opened the altar was going to pay with their life! He tossed his guitar to Thad and said holy shit someone is in my private temple; I will be back as he vanished in a flash of light ... Aurora was in a panic because her phone did not work. She limped around on one leg, groaning as another rumble and a flash of light went off behind her, she ducked behind the altar. Apollo appeared in the temple and saw a shadow duck behind the altar." Whoever the  the hell you are, you made a mistake, coming into my temple come out and explain why you are here and why you read the inscription, so you can pay for your mistake!" She peeked around the altar and said, "Please do not kill me, I did not know the inscription would cause all this." He heard a female voice and was shocked, "Who are you? Come out, and we will see about the death sentence." She slowly stood up and dropped her flashlight when she saw who was standing there. It was A! The lead singer from The Spartans, standing in front of her. "What... the hell is going on?" she thought as she looked at him. Apollo stood there; he could not believe his luck. "You? How in the hell did you break the sealing inscription few people could translate that care to explain this?" As Apollo looked around at his temple and the cracked alter and growled, "Woman, do you know what you have done?" It took me ages to lock his ass in there, you freed a very bad man.  As she stood there looking at him, it dawned on her how did he get in here? "Um quick question? How did you get in here, Houdini?" She turned and bent over to retrieve her flashlight, giving him a sweet view of her backside, he cleared his throat, "That is another conversation for later, let me get you out of here first then, and then you can tell how, where and then when. He shook his head, "okay, where are you staying at. She told him, "Room 4221 the at the same hotel you were at last night." She limped over to him as he scooped her up and held her like she only weighed a few pounds, as she looked up at him. "Are you sure you want to carry me? I can be a handful." she frowned. He said, "Darling, you have to be kidding me." She snorted most men would not even try to pick her up, let alone carry her like he was. "Okay." he stated, "hang on, it might freak you out a bit." As it got bright around them, and she felt their weight shift for a moment, then they were back in her hotel room. He held for a moment staring at her, he slowly slid her down his muscled frame. She bit her bottom lip as the feel of his rock-solid frame as he set her on the floor." Okay Bodacious, start talking, I want answers how did you get in there?" Aurora frowned, "I found this in a shop this morning and saw it was a map of sorts, so I followed it and ended up in a secret temple? I did not know what it was, to be honest." As she sat down and pulled the tablet out of her backpack and showed him, I almost didn't buy it but the shopkeeper talked me into it, saying something about destiny. I thought at first it was a fake till I saw all the fresco on the wall and was fairly sure that it was real. I lit the brazier when I went into the main chamber and walked around, saw the inscription," Aurora said and looked down at her hands." I should not have read it aloud, and then the whole place came down on me. I broke the altar." She said as she started to clench her hands. I am so sorry, I did not mean to do it; I was just exploring." She looked up at him, biting her bottom lip again. He sighed and pushed his hand through his golden locks and sat down." Well, we have a problem that alter was a jail of sorts, and you freed a bad man. That man is Python, he can look like the snake in the fresco or a human, and he is going to be gunning for me for locking his ass up. I shot him with an arrow that paralyzed him and sealed in him the altar, How did you know to translate the inscription? Few people could do that." He said, folding his arms, looking at her. She sighed, "My mother is Professor Aeryn Noble, which is how I knew how to speak it." She smirked at the look on his face. She's your mother? No wonder you could translate it." She sat there looking at him, rubbing her hands together, "Can I ask you a question?" Her heart was racing a mile a minute and there was no way this could be true. He nodded as he thought about how to seal the asshole who was lose back in. She asked, "Are you a god? Are you Apollo? The one in the frescos in the temple, are you him?" She held her breath. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and thought, "I could make her forget, or I could tell her and then possibly get her into trouble too." He shrugged, "Yes I am him I should lie to you, but now you have two choices to make, I can let you keep your memory of all this or wipe it and leave you alone." She thought for a few moments and said "In for a penny in for a pound I want to keep you... I mean, I want to keep my memory." He chuckled he liked this mortal and her luscious ass, god he thought needed to get laid as he looked at her. "Okay, then give me your phone." She let out the breath she did not know she was holding and handed it to him from her backpack. She watched him program in his number, "If you have any issues that are out of the norm you call me anytime, and I mean anytime, this will reach me no problem." She nodded at him, I am sorry about the temple Apollo, I loved the fresco of you in your armor." Aurora said as she took the phone, not even thinking about what she was saying next, "you looked so hot." She gasped as he started laughing. "Little mortal woman thinks my old armor is hot, there is something to think about, huh?" He winked at her as he stood to leave, "I have work to do and as much as I want to stay here with you, I have to get to it." He reached out for her, shocked at his motions, and pulled her in for a kiss." That is for calling me hot and this," Apollo whispered. As he kissed her again, "is for me, waving his hand see you later luscious, I will check on you this afternoon." As he vanished, a dark figure looking like a greasy biker with long black hair and a goatee watched from across the roof of the building....

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