A First Date to Remember

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She sat on Apollo's couch sipping the amber liquid and feeling much better, smiling at him. Well, this has been an interesting first date, hmm? He chuckled; well, it sure goes in my top 10. She got serious for a moment I think it's a sure bet he probably knows where I am staying at, and my mom won't be safe there, so the question is where to move her or us to? He scratched his beard a moment I can think of one or two places the first place is a small-hidden island that used to house the treasury of the gods of Olympus and the other is my temple home on Olympus she thought about it as she tilted her glass this way and that looking at the flames through the amber liquid in it. I think the island might be a good place and then your Olympian home as a backup, we don't know right now who he could be working with you know? He nodded as he reached up stroking her hair watching it catch the light. Do you want to stay here for the night?  I can give you something to sleep in, and you can have the guest room? I will be a gentleman, he winked at her. A gentleman, huh? Aurora shook her head chuckling, From what I remember of the gods, you were a horny lot. She giggled, and said I will stay and thank you for behaving, as I am not one of those girls who jumps in the sack with most men on a first date. The brandy was making her feel warm and embolden. Before she could think better of it, she reached for him and kissed him, at the same time pulling the leather thong that held his hair in place and running her fingers through it. While she kissed him, he sat up on the couch and pulled her into his lap. As he kissed her back, she tasted like ambrosia and honey to him and felt like heaven in his arms. He pulled back, panting and staring at her, do you have any idea what you do to me? She looked back into his blue eyes and said I think I do or at least I can feel it anyway she smirked sliding off his lap. Okay, what am I sleeping in tonight? As she waited for him to give her a t shirt. He cocked an eyebrow and almost said my arms and naked, but instead he stood up and unbuttoned the silk dress shirt and handed it to her, this my lady as he stood there shirtless.  As her jaw hit the floor oh my god, she whispered he was perfection she thought she would have an orgasm on the spot and slowly took the shirt he offered and stammered thank you wh..where is my room. He took her hand and led her to a small hallway and opened a door to a room with a big king-size bed draped in greens and golds this is yours as he took her hand, kissing the palm first then each finger before kissing the back of it. My room is at the end here pointing to a set of double doors if you need me, I am there you have a bathroom in your room good night luscious you make it hard to walk away. He kissed her once more, heading to his room with a raging hard on that no cold damn shower would kill. 

She watched him walk down the hall and into his room she stepped in and looked around this was amazing as she took the dress off and her shoes laying them across a chair and slipping into his silk dress shirt she turned at looked at herself in the full length mirror the shirt swallowed her hitting at her knees she rolled the sleeves up and went to wash her face and then came back to climb into bed she pulled back the covers and slid into the silk sheets sighing at the feel of them  and fell fast asleep in a few minutes. A short time later, a figure appeared and stalked around the bed quietly while waving her hand to give Aurora a nightmare before vanishing into the dark. Aurora tossed and turned as she dreamed, she was running down long stone corridors hearing hissing behind her as she turned to look a giant python was bearing down on her, she turned to run faster and calling out for Apollo she felt the snake grab her and wrap her in its coils as it squeezed her tight, she thrashed and screamed Apollo name again! This time He heard the scream and bolted from bed wearing black silk pajama bottoms tearing down the hall to see the sheets on the bed coiled around Aurora like a serpent he roared reaching for a dagger on the wall he started cutting the sheets furiously working to free her as he cut the last pieces away he spoke softly to her and carried her to his bed and held her rocking her till she calmed back down to sleep he knew at that moment he would protect her with his life. Well little mortal looking down at her cuddled up to him like a small kitten you have no choice but to sleep in my bed tonight, he groaned as she wiggled in his lap to get comfortable, this was going to be a long night. In her dreams she heard Apollo call out to her as she felt the snake loosen its grip and slither away as she shuddered then feeling Apollo wrap his arms around her, he whispered to her, I got you Bodacious you are always safe with me. She smiled in her sleep, whispering his name.

She woke up the next morning groggy and confused she felt an arm draped across her, she almost screamed then looked over to see Apollo sleeping next to her, she shook her head the nightmare must have either been semi real or maybe she was drugged? She laid there and assessed herself, she made to move out of bed and the arm gripped her tighter, she smiled and looked over at him. He opened one eye, asking her, how are you feeling? He leaned up on one elbow looking at her like a rogue pirate from some romance novel with his hair hanging over one eye. She reached up, moving his hair out of his face. I am groggy but fine I need the bathroom and when I come back you can explain all this hmm? He squeezed her again and let her up as she went into the bathroom he slid out of bed to check her room now that it was daylight to see the shredded sheet and dust on the floor he made his way back to bed as she walked out of the bathroom and slid into bed next to him adjusting the sheets. Okay, why am I in your bed and what the hell happened last night? He sat up looking at her well looks like either a fury or one of the Stygian witches snuck into your room and drugged you into a nightmare where a shadow of Python was waiting, and he tried to harm you using my damn silk bedsheets she looked shocked then nodded and told him how she was chased and caught then how he saved her in the dream. Would my mother and I be safe on the island, I am not leaving her behind. Apollo answered I think, so it's a hidden pretty well and is only by a few gods now, so I believe it would be.  My bandmates and I can make it safe protecting you two. Aurora said okay, then after breakfast we move and head there. She hugged him then gave him a big kiss, thank you for being my hero... And bounced out of bed. God's help him, he really likes this mortal. 

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