- Chapter 22: Back home at Asgard -

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- Kara's Pov -

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- Kara's Pov -

After Demetri told me the wonders news about me being pregnant we both went upstairs yo pack our suitcases and had a shower to start this important day then i got put on one of my asgardian dresses (Outfit above) while Demetri put on of his suits on. Once we are both dressed Demetri took our suitcases downstairs leaving me to bride my hair just like dad used to do for me many years ago then i put my tiara on because i know grandpa would want me to wear it for my return. I walk around the bedroom to make sure we have everything that we will need on asgard and when i see that we shouldn't need anything else i go downstairs where i see Demetri waiting by the front door with a smile on his face.

"You look breathtaking love" He said softly then kissed me sweetly

"Thank you, you look handsome as ever" I said straightening his tie

"Thank you love" He said smirking at me

"Are you ready to travel by bifrost?" I asked him softly

"I'm ready because i know you will be beside me the whole time" He said smiling at me

"Just a pre warning because of your human tendencies you may feel a little sick during the travel but it happens to everyone the first couple time" I said wanting him to know about the sickness

"I'm sure i will be okay love but will the baby be okay travelling" He said wrapping his arm around my waist and puts his hand flat on my stomach

"The baby will be fine, grandma and my late mother used to travel by bifrost all the time when they were pregnant" I said the kiss his cheek

"Aslong as your sure, let's go" He said happily

I loop my arm through his then we both walk out the front door making sure to lock it then we go and stand infront of the house with our arms still lopped together making sure we have left enough distance so the bifrost doesn't destroy my house. Then i shout for Heimdall which always works thanks to him being all seeing and we didn't have to wait long for the bifrost to makes it appearance because in seconds the bifrost is surrounding us and carrying us upwards to asgard. The whole time we were practically levitating Demetri kept hid arm looped with mine while he looked at all the colours and shining lights of the bifrost, his reaction is exactly what mine was like when i first travelled like this. In no time we are stood in the bifrost building infront of Heimdall who is smiling at me with tears in his golden eyes and i know it's because he hasn't seen me face to face in so many years plus we have a uncle and niece relationship due to me always standing with him here at the bifrost when i was a small child.

"Princess Kara welcome home, Lord Demetri welcome to Asgard and may i be the first to say congratulations" He said politely as usual

"Uncle Heimdall less of the formalities and thank you" I said with a small blush

"Thank you sir for your welcoming and congratulations" Demetri said just as politely making me smile

"Kara, Prince Loki got the horses ready for you and they are waiting outside" He said with a smile

"Demetri before you say anything the baby will be fine with me riding a horses, with me being a goddess and frost giant my body is built to protect the baby" I said before Demetri could say thing

"Okay but i'm going to help you mount up and ride beside you just incase" He said firmly

"Good idea lord Demetri" Heimdall said smirking at me

I walk around Heimdall's platform and outside with Demetri's arm still looped with mine thats when i dad and uncle Thor's horses outside on the rainbow bridge and when they see me they make happy noises. Demetri walks me closer then helps me mouth dad's black horse carefully and i make sure my legs over one side of the saddle ready to ride side saddle due to me wearing a dress. I watch Demetri mount uncle Thor's chestnut horse like a pro then i start riding towards the castle with Demetri riding next to watching everything i do. The ride was amazing because we had to ride through the small village infront for the castle and when the villagers saw me they cheered and threw flowers at me which made me want to cry at their welcome and Demetri was in awe at them. When we reach the castle four guards are waiting for us and two of them hold the horses reins for us while Demetri gets dismounted then cane round and lifted me of dad's horse, that's when the other two guards opened the castle doors for us.

One of the guards guides us towards the throne room and i get this feeling dad told them to do that since i haven't been here for many years and he doesn't want to risk me getting lost. The whole time we walked Demetri held my hand tightly like he was scared to let me go in this unusual place for him which i understand because i was the same with uncle thor on midgard. In no time we are stood infront of the big throne room doors that get throne open by the guard that guided us this whole way and we walk into the now pin silent throne room. Soon enough we're stood infront of grandpa, grandma, uncle Thor and dad who are stood infront of the large throne and all of them have tears in their eyes just like i do seeing them stood there like that.

"Your home" Grandma said with a tear rolling down her cheek

"Yes grandma i'm home" I said as i reach out and wipe the tear of her face

"Welcome home princess and welcome to Asgard lord Demetri, i heard from your father that you have some news for us so please share" Grandpa said getting straight to the point

"Me and Demetri completed our bond and now i'm pregnant" I said with a tear rolling down my own cheek

"Your pregna-" Dad started to say then fainted falling back onto the floor

"Oh my! This is amazing news!" Grandma said clapping her hands

"YOU GOT MY NIECE PREGNANT!!" Uncle Thor yells making me take a step infront of Demetri

"Uncle Thor calm down! If you even think about lashing out at my mate i will show you just how much of my warrior training i remember" I said coldly

"Son calm yourself, we knew this would happen eventually and i'm glad it's happened with her soulmate who she is in love with" Grandpa said with a smile

"So the bitch is pregnant" I hear the one voice i never wanted to hear again


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