- Chapter 23: You have no right being here -

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- Kara's Pov -

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- Kara's Pov -

I know that voice all to well and it makes my heart beat erratically because that man put me through nothing but pain and now he is stood in the same room as me and my soulmate when we are trying to enjoy this moment with my family. My ex fianceè, Arild caused me nothing but pain because of the abuse he put me through in our short time together and all that pain was stopped when grandpa ended our arranged marriage. Grandpa only ended the arranged marriage because i showed up on the throne room covered in bruises and my own blood that was all over me due to Arild beating worse then he ever did before.

I cuddle into Demetri's side not liking the fact Arild is in the same room as me then i see uncle Thor step around me and stand so his back is against mine protecting me so i don't have to turn around and face that vile man. Suddenly i'm no longer in Demetri's arm's instead i'm being held in grandma's arm's while a angry looking Demetri is standing inbetween uncle Thor and grandpa who is now stood infront of me blocking me from Arild. I want to stand beside Demetri to keep him safe but my own fear is stopping me from doing so and i know Demetri want's me behind him because he want's me safe since i'm pregnant.

"Lord Arild you need to leave, this is a royal matter" Grandpa said coldly

"How mistaken you are all father since everyone knows of the princesses arrival it's a asgardian matter, i thought i would come and see her since we haven't seen each other since our arranged marriage got revoked" He said sounding like he's smirking

"You have no right being here" Uncle Thor said angrily gripping Mjölnir tightly in his hand

"Dad wake up please, Arild is here and i don't think Demetri will be safe" I said kneeling beside dad

"The matter concerned the princesses return is private Arild, you have ten seconds to leave and if you don't then the guards will be dragging you to the deepest darkest dungeon we have and you will be there for the rest of your worthless life" Grandpa said coldly

"You should have been in the darkest dungeon after we found out what you put my daughter through but now you have appeared infront of me you might not live to see that dungeon. Snowflake got back to your grandma, we will deal with this" Dad said sitting up making me squeal in surprise

"I want to congratulate the stupid, worthless princess on her pregnancy" Arild said sounding like he has moved closer which is a no no

"My mate isn't a stupid or worthless princess she is my beautiful, kind, caring, loveable and drop dead sexy queen who should be respected and i will not let you anywhere near my mate because vermin like you shouldn't be in her space" Demetri said angrily

"And who's going to stop me from getting near your queen?" He said spitting queen like it's poison

"I will" Demetri said looking at me with a smirk on his face

"Paint the walls red baby" I said smirking

"How is he going to do that bitch!?" Arild spat at me in anger

"You have no idea what my sexy tracker is made off since you have never left asgard, you don't know about the vampire's on midgard and my soulmate here is the best of them all" I said smirking and what i said shocked everyone but me, dad and Demetri since they didn't know about Demetri

"Snowflake your not ment to tell anyone!" Dad said in panic

"He's going to be dead soon anyway" I said shrugging my shoulders

"So what will it Arild, will you leave or loss your life" Grandpa said snapping out his shock

"Neither, i want to get my hands on that bitch!" He snapped angrily

"Paint the walls it is, love stay will your grandma" Demetri said stalking towards Arild

"Make him suffer baby!" I said cuddling into grandma's side

"I will make anyone suffer for you love" He said softly

Then i see him change from calm and collected to a deadly hunter ready to take down his prey and it was such a turn on to see him like this. He stopped stalking and vamp speeds the rest of the way to Arild who now has Demetri's hand around his throat. Suddenly Demetri slams him down to the floor at speed creating a creator in the middle of the throne room. Then he rips Arild's right arm of his body resulting in Arild scremaing, Demetri throws the arm at the closest wall coating said wall in blood. Then he does the same to Arilds left arm making the vile man scream louder but those screams did nothing to Demetri because he is in hunting and protective mode.

"Those hands touched my mate so they had to go first because anyone that hurts my love and since you hurt her mentally, physically and emotionally you will have the worst consequences" Demetri snarled in Arild's face

"N-No please!" Arild pleaded which fell on deaf ears

"Didn't the princess say no multiple times?" Grandpa said with a smirk

"I think she did sir, love did he use his feet to hurt you?" Demetri said to grandpa then looked at me

"Yes baby, more then once" I said placing my hand on my stomach to keep my mind from wondering to flashbacks

"Then the legs will go next" He said then winked at me

"Nooooo! Please stop, i will leave and never return" Arild pleaded which didn't work yet again

Demetri ripped both his legs of in unison making Arild scream in more pain which we wall ignored and he threw the leg's at the wall yet again which covered the wall in more blood. Once arild stopped screaming Demetri looked over at me then at Arild's neck and i know what he is silently asking me so i nodded my head knowing he needs this. That nod is all he needed because in a blink of an eye Demetri is sat on the floor with a armless and legless Arild in his arms as he drinks from Arild's neck. I see my family watching him in fascination because this is the first time they have seen a vampire let alone seen one drink blood from someone and now longer then a minute later Arild is drained of his blood.

"Guards discreetly dispose of this body" Grandpa said to the guards

"Baby, the hunt is over now come back to me" I said seeing the Demetri is still in hunter mode

"Love, pkease tell me i didn't scare you" He said softly as he snapped out hunter mode

"No baby you didn't scare me at all" I said opening my arms for him and in seconds he is infront of me with his bloody arms around my waist

"Thor, can you show Kara and Demetri to their chambers since they will need to freshen up" Grandma said softly

"Of course mother, follow me" Uncle Thor said softly


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