Chapter 2

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"And... a dark feather?" Ginger was confused.

"What is a feather going to do? How is this magical? Smoky?" Glacier looked at the gray cat for answers.

Haunted rolled her eyes. She knew they were no Darkrise cats, but that feather was obviously important for your strength. There was no stronger bird than a dark hawk, which was where that feather came from. And also what Hawk, the Darkrise cat, had been named after.

"Uh, what? I don't know. Just grab it! Got the night flowers, Glacier?" Smoky replied quickly.

"Right here!" Glacier responded, holding the dark flowers that Haunted had used to watch them.

"Don't be nervous, Smoky! This could help us learn about Darkrise clan. And don't you want to go back to normal?" Ginger gave her the Dark feather.

"Yeah, is that all?" Smoky put the magical objects in a pile in front of her.

Glacier made sure he gave her everything, and Ginger also checked her surroundings.

"That's it" Ginger told her.

Glacier nodded after double checking nervously.

Smoky grabbed all the objects, her eyes glowed blue.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Glacier asked, worried.

"Of course! If anything goes wrong, just take the objects." Ginger replied.

"And if that doesn't work? Did you think about this?" He watched as Smoky said nothing.

Images raced through Smoky's mind.

Haunted watched as the young cat sat still, her eyes glowed, and Haunted wondered what she was thinking about.
And then Smoky fell to the ground, her paws covering her eyes. She unsheathed her claws, and hissed at where Haunted was watching them.
For a second, Haunted worried that Smoky somehow knew she was watching. But she turned back to Glacier and Ginger.
"What did you see?" Ginger stepped towards her immediately.
"Don't worry, Darkrise clans' powers are gone, they are trapped in the clouds. They are no threat unless they can break free, somehow." Smoky stood up.
"So, what do we do? Can they break free?" Glacier wondered.
"I don't know... it's just confusing. It feels like they are still here." Smoky turned away from them and grabbed something in her paw. "Should we go back to the tribe? They might be worried. I need a nap anyways."
"Yeah, let's go. You need to rest" Ginger picked up one of the golden 'travel berries' and ate it.

Haunted didn't watch them go back to their tribe. She needed to figure out what Smoky meant. Maybe she was just confusing. This made no sense. Smoky was a weird cat anyways.
Haunted thought about going back to the clouds and dropped the night flower.
The other Darkrise cats were already napping.
Haunted needed to get out of there, somehow.

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