I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The walls were black and the bed I was sitting on was extended off the ground. My head killed. Freaking hangovers. I tried to get off the bed but I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Lie back down miss." The voice said sternly.
"Um if you don't mind me asking, who the hell are you?" I snapped. The man had a polo on with a Blackhawks logo in the corner. He didn't look familiar at all. He held a clipboard and had a pen behind his ear.
"Miss I'm the trainer for the Chicago Blackhawks. You blacked out at the club and the boys decided to bring you here instead of the hospital to avoid hospital bills." He responded. Shit. I thought that was all a dream. Wait...the boys? Oh right, him. The guy who offered to buy me a drink. Who was he? It's all a blur.
"Frank how's the girl doing?" I hear a voice ask. I assume the girl is me.
"I'm fine. When can I leave?" I sit up again until the hand goes back down on my shoulder and forces me down. I was getting tired of this.
"Miss you might have a slight concussion I can't allow you to leave until we get you signed out by someone." He spoke to me like he was annoyed. Well I am kind of obnoxious but honestly I just wanted to get home to Captain. He probably has to go out.
"I have to go home to my dog." I responded, thinking out loud. God I wish I could just shut up sometimes. The boy in the room chuckled at my response.
"I don't think we have formally met, I'm Patrick." He stuck his hand out. I shook it and looked up. It's not just any Patrick. It's Patrick Kane. Oh god I think I'm gonna puke. Nope nope I'm not throwing up on Patrick Kane. Not gonna happen.
"I know who you are. Pretty sure everyone in this city knows who you are." I snap back at him. It's not that I didn't like him but he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wasn't in the mood for his attitude.
"Well I don't know if that's a compliment or not but thanks!" God he had some nice eyes,"So you kind of passed out back there. Luckily Jonnyboy caught you before you hit the floor."
Jonnyboy? Why don't I remember that? Oh right. Him. Jonathan Toews. The last thing I saw before darkness.
Speak of the devil. He walked right in the room and sat down on my bedside. I don't like when people are this close to me so you could say I was a bit on edge. Not that I wasn't already.
"I heard you woke up so I came to check and see how you were doing," he flashed his smile at me. Oh god why. If I was standing right now, my legs would be trembling. "How are you doing?"
"Fine." Really Liz? Fine? That's all you could say? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
He seemed taken back by my answer. "Oh yeah? Why don't you try to stand?" He said with a smirk.
I struggled to get up and when I finally brought myself to my feet a wave of dizziness hit me and I fell. Luckily I was caught, yet again, by Captain Serious.
"Not so strong on your feet are you? Maybe you should sit back down." Yeah obviously. I just wanted to go home. Where's Janie when I need her?
"Um did a girl happen to see us leave the club? 'Bout 5'10", blonde hair, really skinny?"
"Oh yeah the girl who was screaming your name! She said something like you owe me a drink?" Of course she did. Damn it Jane so cheap.
"Well I think I'm ready to go. I have work tomorrow and I need to go to bed." I replied standing up. I needed to get out of this damn dream. I needed to wake up.
"Here Rob I'll drive her home." Jonathan said to the trainer. I was not looking forward to a drive with Jonathan but hell, I needed a ride.
Rob agreed to let Jonathan take me home. We walked out of the UC after saying goodbye to some of the guys who had followed after my incident at the club. Once we got outside I turned to Jonathan.

Too Much Soup {Jonathan Toews}
FanfictionElizabeth didn't think much of the date. One night right? How many more blind dates was she going to be set up on by her bestfriend? But one date leads to two, which leads to three. Which then leads to lies and misconception...leaving Liz to wonder...