The Night Where Everything Crumbles

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****A/N Warning this chapter is long but it's important sorry if you wanted a shorter one*****

It was the night of the game. I couldn't wait to get up in the stands with Jon's parents and the fans. I just loved the whole atmosphere in the UC.

The beer, the screams, Chelsea Dagger, I loved it. Jon dropped me off at my place before heading off to morning skate. He's been playing really solid lately. Coach Q keeps bugging him about me being the reason and I think it's cute.

I opened the door to my apartment to see Captain sitting on the couch asleep. "Hey boy!" I cheered and the dog jumped right up to see me. There's a little girl in our building who walks people's dogs so I don't have to do it. Cap's quite the pain to walk God bless her.

I jumped into the shower after feeding the dog. I felt like I hadn't been home in forever. I'm spending a lot of time with Jon and it's weird how fast we are moving. I guess I had to go see Janie now.

I knocked on the brunette's door and Mike answered. "Oh, hey Liz! I gotta go to work but Janie's sick right now. She's in the bathroom so if you wanna help her that would be freaking fabulous." He kissed my cheek and walked out the door before I could respond.

That's weird, Janie never got sick. She had the immune system of a...I don't know whatever the hell has a good immune system.

I knocked on the bathroom door, "Jan-Jan? It's me, Liz. " I heard barfing on the other side of the door.

"Come in, please" Janie mumbled through the door. I walked in to see her half laying across the floor and half hanging on the toilet. She saw me and burst into tears.

"Hey, hey it's okay! Everybody gets sick! I'll make you some chicken soup and well get through this, kid!" I reassured her.

"It's not that, I was a horrible friend to you. It's nothing you did, Liz. I-I'm pregnant." She sobbed into my shoulder. I was shocked. I really didn't see her and Mike forgetting protection. He do I put it? He didn't plan on being a father and she hadn't planned on being a mother.

"Shit, Janie what are you gonna do?" I asked her.

"Well you know I can't get an abortion so that's out of the question. I don't want to give it up either. I guess I-I'm just gonna have to d-deal." She cried and than puked a bit more. Morning sickness I guess.

"Hey, Janie. Listen to me please and stop puking for a sec," she looked up at me with wet eyes, "you are going to make a fabulous mother. If Mike doesn't agree than he can go suck a dick."

She laughed at that, even though I wasn't kidding. Nobody hurts Janie she's the sweetest person ever.

"I'm gonna tell him when he get off for lunch break. I can't keep this secret in."

"Do whatcha gotta go kid." I told the girl. Even though she had throw up dripping down her chin I still brought her in for a hug.

It was around lunch time and I was shaking thinking about Janie and Mike. The last text I got from her was that she was at his job right now.

I was scared how he was going to take it. He wasn't the most pro-kid kinda guy. Mike had always been the kind of guy you would see at a frat party. He was a pretty muscular but had that baby face thing going. He was okay looking but not my type.

My phone rang and I grabbed it without even looking at caller ID. "Janie?" I asked.

"Guess again babe." I heard a voice say into the phone. It wasn't Jon or Pat or my brother so it was a bit weird.

"Who is this?" I asked the person.

"Awe c'mon Eliza! It hasn't been that long! Hey I'm in the city how bout we meet up." The man hung up. Eliza...he must've been someone from back home.

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