I woke up with Jon lying on top of me. I moved him off of me very slowly and gently. I went over to the kitchen and began to make breakfast. I looked in my fridge and only saw one egg. Shit I needed to go grocery shopping.
I looked over in my pantry and found some pancake mix. I began to make pancakes and not much later sleepy head came out from the room. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I said to him. He kissed my nose.
"Are you actually making food?" He laughed. I wasn't offended because honestly, I was a bad cook or baker or whatever.
"Okay if there's directions on the back of the box than I can make it." I told him. "I figured I would make you breakfast before your practice and our busy day of shopping!"
"Ugh damn Kaner," he muttered to himself, "where are we even going today?"
"That depends, are you gonna be in a bad mood? Because I mean I can always ask Pat to pick out my bras and underwear I bet he's good at that." I joke. He looks at me with a glare. "I'm just kidding, Canada. But I was serious about those bras and shit. I need some. Janie keeps stealing mine."
"I would be more than happy to accompany you in that department." He smirked. Oh boy.
"Eat your pancakes and shut ya mouth." I say my Boston accent showing a bit. He noticed and laughed. "Oh shut up, eh."
"We don't always say eh, Liz. That's a bit of a stereotype." He says matter of factly. I shove a pancake in his face. Jon shoves one in mine. Next thing I know there's only pancakes on us and the floor and none occupying our hungry stomachs.
"Hmm, Dunkys?" I ask.
"Sounds like a plan. Good thought on the breakfast though." Jon compliments me. We both get dressed and get in his car.
Because it's a Sunday, the book shop is closed. Usually on Sunday's I go to the park or home and read. I don't have an interesting life but ever since Jon and the boys entered, it has picked up.
We decide to go through the drive thru to avoid possible attention. We get two blueberry muffins and coffees. We sit in the parking lot and eat our breakfast.
"So Liz," he says with food in his mouth, "I was wondering if you might wanna meet my parents when they come to visit next week." He says while still chewing on purpose so I don't hear him well.
"Jon I would love to meet your family." I tell him sincerely. "I mean I would have you meet my parents but, well ya know!" I chuckle to myself.
"I don't want this to be awkward, Liz. I completely understand. It's just I was talking about you to them and-"
"You were talking about me?" My face turns a shade of red.
"Well, I mean, yeah. But they thought you sounded really great and they wanna meet you. I get its kinda early and this is like kinda sudden but-"
"Stop rambling you goof of course I wanna meet your family!" I tell him. His face lights up. "Now we should probably get going unless you wanna be late for practice."
"Are you gonna stay and watch?" He asks his eyes hopeful.
"If that's what you want than yeah I have nothing better to do." I tell him. Plus I had a book in my purse that I could read.
"Okay," he kissed my cheek and pulled out of the parking lot. We rolled into the parking lot of the UC not much later.
My phone rang and I looked at the screen to see Janie calling. "Hey Janie what's up?" I asked.
"Didn't think you'd actually pick up." She snapped at me. What the hell was that about?
"Oh? I'll always pick up when you call, you know that." I assure her.

Too Much Soup {Jonathan Toews}
FanfictionElizabeth didn't think much of the date. One night right? How many more blind dates was she going to be set up on by her bestfriend? But one date leads to two, which leads to three. Which then leads to lies and misconception...leaving Liz to wonder...