I woke up in the bed with Jon. He was snoring away like a little baby. Aw. I got up out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen.
I passed by Amber and Kaner on the couch, Amber's head rested on his chest as he breathed up and down. I didn't expect him to be the kind of guy to fall asleep while watching T.V with his girlfriend.
I began to make eggs when sleepy head joined me. "Hey you," he said into my ear. I turned and faced him with a smile on my face. He was so cute.
"How'd you sleep, Canada?" I asked the tall boy.
"Best I've slept in a long time, I don't know why, though. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the most amazing person in the city was sleeping right next to me." He was so cheesy.
"I didn't know Sharpie was in the bed last night, huh." I joked. He laughed at my joke, waking up the lovebirds on the couch.
"I smell food," Kaner said immediately after waking up from his slumber. Amber slapped his chest.
"I'm making eggs and bacon and toast if you want some," stupid thing to say of course he wants some, all Pat does is eat.
I hear the three of them whisper amongst themselves. "Something you wanna share with the class?" I tease them. They all look at me nervously.
"Um no we're good for right now." I furrowed my brow, "I'll tell you later Liz." He whispers to me and I nod in response.
I walk into the doors of the book store to see piles and piles of boxes. "What the hell..." I mutter."Oh hey Liz!" Janie popped around a pile of boxes," We got a couple new shipments while you were gone and I know how OCD you are so I figured I'd just leave it up to you."
Oh god. This was a lot of books. I didn't even know if we had room on the shelves to fit all of them! How was I supposed to do this all before opening?
"Oh and I hired a little helper, she goes to some arts school and she'll be here to help you soon." Janie sat down on the couch and sipped her coffee. She saw me shooting daggers through my eyes. "What? I know you don't like it when we hire 'outsiders' but I didn't know if you were coming back so I decided why not."
Understandable, but I'm nervous about this girl. Art majors can be....weird. And not like the cool quirky kind of weird but the weird with like dyed hair and piercings and the kind of person you would expect to be at a bar not a bookstore. I'm not saying I judge by looks but I'm going for the 'homey' kind of feel.
About ten minutes after the discussion a bubbly girl walked into the store. She had natural red hair and a pale complexion. She was wearing a leather skirt and a long sleeve pink top. She looked like she hopped out of a Children's Place catalog.
"Hey boss I'm ready to work! Oo is this the other woman who owns the shop with you?" She didn't wait for a reply, "oh thank you, thank you so much for this job you have no idea how much this means to me."
I was thrown off by her niceness. I shot Janie a look that said 'really, you got a puppy?'. I just smiled politely at the girl.
"Yeah you must be the new girl. I'm Liz." I introduced myself. She took my hand and shook it fiercely.
"I'm Tabitha. You can call me Tab, Tabbie, Tabs or anything you want ma'am." She said to me. I laughed at the young girl.
"Okay first off don't call me ma'am I'm not 80. Second, I'll call you Tabbie because all of our nicknames end in -ie around here so you'll fit right in." I nudged her shoulder playfully. "Today we are gonna start off with organizing these books by the authors last name. Now the alphabet in here is a bit crazy....."

Too Much Soup {Jonathan Toews}
FanfictionElizabeth didn't think much of the date. One night right? How many more blind dates was she going to be set up on by her bestfriend? But one date leads to two, which leads to three. Which then leads to lies and misconception...leaving Liz to wonder...