Everyone was pissed. Everyone. I don't think a single man that walked out of the lockerroom had any sort of smile or emotion.
The last person out was Jonny. He stared at the floor as he came near me. "Lets go home." He mumbled just loud enough so I could hear him.
We got in his car and began to drive off in silence. The only sound was the one of the engine, slightly stirring but still not loud enough to block out the loud silence.
I cleared my throat and Jon looked over at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him already dreading the answer. We came to a stop in the parking garage.
"Not really. I just want to go upstairs and go to bed and forget everything that just happened." The fury blazed through his eyes. A mix of anger and frustration took over his voice.
"Okay well just so you know, you weren't the only guy out there tonight. It has to go past a whole team before it goes in the net and it's not your fault." I reassured him. I hated it when people said shit like this to me but Jon was...different. I felt like someone needed to tell him it wasn't his fault and that he played his all.
"Thanks Liz but I don't think that's what the reporters are saying." He got out of the car and slammed the door.
The elevator ride was, yet again, silent. It was like we had created a new pattern of talking then silence. We walked into the apartment and Jon sat down on the couch. He immediately turned on the NHL Network to watch highlights of the game.
I went into the kitchen to make him something to eat when I realized we barely had any food. All that was in the cabinet was spaghetti and we had just had that a couple nights ago. In the freezer sat a tub of ice cream.
I walked over to Jon with the ice cream and two spoons. He gave me a look. "It's called ice cream. You take the spoon," I showed him. "And scoop some ice cream than put it in your mouth."
"Lizzie I know how ice cream works but why the hell are you giving me this?" He asked me with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Because when I would lose soccer games as a little kid, Danny would always tell me that ice cream is for true winners, not ones that just win one game. So we would eat ice cream together and I would feel better. It also helps with breakups but I have a feeling you won't have to worry about that one." I winked at the boy who finally decided to crack a smile.
"Well what are you waiting for? Dig in!" I told him as he lightly chuckled at me. The ice cream did not last long with our two spoons diving in and out of the container.
"You were right," He smiled at me. It seemed like it had been a century since I've seen that smile.
"Aren't I always?" I teased him. Pat and Amber came busting through the door. Their cheeks were red from the colder air outside. The couple's lips locked the second the got through the door.
"Get a room you two!" Toews yelled from beside me. Patrick turned for a couple seconds to face us.
"Gladly." He smirked as him and Amber skipped off to their bedroom.
"Don't be too loud!" Jonny yelled as Kaner slammed the door and Ambers squealed. "Looks like Peeks is taking the loss quite well." Jon rolled his eyes.
"C'mon Captain lets get you to bed." I said. Jon began to stand up. "Oh not you. I meant my dog. C'mere boyo!" I hugged my dog and walked toward the bedroom with another puppy dog trailing behind me.
Jon's alarm beeped and beeped and beeped before he finally hit it, seizing its voice. "Is it really already morning?" He asked directing at nobody in particular.
"Yeah now get your fat ass off of me." I said trying to get the boy off of me.
"Bullshit you love my ass." He tested me.
"Yeah yeah now get off me." I continued to try and pry him off me but he repositioned himself so he was right in my face yet still on me.
"Not until you admit that I have a fabulous ass and you are just jealous." Jon smirked.
"Fine fine! Jonathan Bryan Toews you have a lovely ass and I am so incredible jealous of its size." I barely managed to get out while my ribs were crushing.
Jon got off of me and tried to kiss me but I got away before he could. "Do not kiss me with your morning breath that's just nasty." He laughed and tried to lean back in again but once again I pushed him off and scrambled out the door.
Amber and Pat were sitting on the couch watching T.V. Amber was wearing one of Kaner's shirts. "You know we have awfully thin walls in this place and we heard that whole conversation." Pat said to me and Amber giggled by his side.
"Yeah well because of the thin walls we heard all of you 'conversations' last night as well." I air quoted and sassed back. Ambers giggling stopped and her face, as well as Pat's, got red.
Jon made his way over to the kitchen to see that we didn't have any food. "Damn it," he mumbled to himself. "Can we go out for breakfast?"
"Do we have time before practice?" Pat asked.
"If we go to IHOP we'll have plenty of time," Amber suggested. It amazed me how much she ate and how thin she still was.
Everyone was down with that idea so we got into Pat's Range Rover and drove to the restaurant. When we pulled up the parking lot was mostly empty so we didn't have to worry about people bombarding us.
The hostess seemed very surprised to see Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews at an IHOP at 7 in the morning. She leaned a little too far over the counter to expose more of her 'boobs' so the boys would notice her.
Amber pushed by the boys and straight to the hostess. "Hi can we have a table for four please? Oh by the way this is a public restaurant so you might wanna," she pointed to her boobs hanging out.
The hostess seemed embarrassed and seated us right away as I laughed behind the boys' backs. "Your waitress will be here in a few." She said stomping away. I let out a huge burst of laughter that I had been holding in.
The boys seemed oblivious to the whole situation. "What?" Jon asked innocently.
"Are you kidding? That chick was like two seconds away from jumping on you!" I told him.
"Is that why she was hanging over the counter? I just thought she was stretching or something." Jon looked at Pat who seemed to have the same shocked expression on his face.
"Hi! I'm Kasey and I'm gonna be serving you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" The girl batted her eyelashes at the Pat. She was clearly about five years too young for him.
"Uh yeah I'll have the waiter over there and an orange juice please," my sister said to the girl who didn't even hear her because she was so captivated by Patrick. My sister cleared her throat. "Wipe the drool from your face and get me the waiter please."
And just like that another member of the IHOP crew scattered away. "Well shit Ambs I didn't peg you as the jealous type." Pat teased her. She gave him a look and Pat backed off.
The rest of the breakfast was not nearly as eventful as the first couple of minutes but it still was a blast. Amber and I decided to go and watch the boys practice because, well I mean what else did we have to do!
We sat down in the bleachers near the glass. Amber brought out her laptop to do some work and I was watching Jon stick handle through all the defensemen. My ringtone went off playing Chelsea Dagger. "Liz White," I answered.
"Hello Eliza, it's Chad and Ricky."
My heart dropped.

Too Much Soup {Jonathan Toews}
FanfictionElizabeth didn't think much of the date. One night right? How many more blind dates was she going to be set up on by her bestfriend? But one date leads to two, which leads to three. Which then leads to lies and misconception...leaving Liz to wonder...