Chapter: 13

415 22 107

          ☆☆Big nails☆☆

In the story:

Because of the jump scare    Y/N screamed. She closed her eyes. After sometime someone said.....

??? : You can watch now. There is no ghost scenes .

Y/N heard a sweet voice beside her.

Y/N opened her eyes and looked at the person. It was a handsome man who was smiled at her sweetly.

Y/N felt embarrassed after she realized that she was holding that man's collar with one hand and his hand with the other one.

Y/N immediately took her hands away.

??? : Since you are scared of horror movies, you shouldn't have come by yourself.

Y/N : .....

??? : Anyway show me your hands.

That person held her one hand to check something.

???:Wow your hands are beautiful but your nails are long. See you made scratches on my hand with your big nails

 See you made scratches on my hand with your big nails

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Y/N : .....

??? With confusion : Are you mute by any chance?

Y/N : .....

??? : I think you are not Korean. Chinese? Japanese? But this movie is Korean. You wouldn't be able to understand it. But I know you don't need to know languages to enjoy horror movies. I'm sorry I only know Korean or I could've talked to you in your language. I only know 'Konichiwa' and 'Nihao' these two words. I wish I knew your language. I wouldn't have felt bored by this movie and talked to you.Don't you think is this a very boring movie?

Y/N :........

???: Let me guess where are you from?I am sure now you are not korean ,you are foreigner. But-

Y/N : Who told you I'm a foreigner? I'm Korean.

??? With a smile : Wow finally, you talked.That means you are not mute nor foreigner. Great!Then we can talk

Y/N noticed Jennie and In-Yeop whispering something in each other's ear and smiled to each other. Y/N felt sad .

??? : By the way you want chocolate?

He took out a chocolate bar from his pocket.

???: You know I have a sweet tooth. I love chocolate. It's my favorite.

Y/N uninterested : No thank you.

???: Why? Who can refuse chocolate? It's 70% cocoa containing chocolate with no sugar. Try it .You will like it believe me .

Y/N : No.

???: Oh you are thinking I'm suspicious right? I'm not a bad person. I didn't put anything in the chocolate. See?

Love or Attraction (Cha Eunwoo Or Hwang In-Yeop ff)✅Where stories live. Discover now