Chapter: 16

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In the story:

After Eunwoo left the library Y/N went to her class.

As soon as she went she saw In-Yeop and Jennie were gossiping. Y/N approached them and Jennie immediately put her head on In-Yeop's shoulder.

Jennie loudly : Ahh In-Yeop I'm so tired from all the chatting we did last night. Now I am feeling sleepy.

In-Yeop : But at night you were the one that was talking mostly.I told you to sleep but you didn't want to cut the call.

Jennie with a smile : Well I really like talking to you.

In-Yeop : Me too . That's why I talk to you for hours. It makes me feel happy.

Y/N saw their interactions, she was hurt but somehow wasn't as affected as before.

She went past them and sat in a random seat as she doesn't have a fixed friend after Jennie and In-Yeop started sitting together. Sometime she sits alone.

Y/N : I wish Eunwoo oppa studied here. Then we could sit together, also it wouldn't have been this boring .

During lunch time:

Y/N was sitting facing Jennie and In-Yeop.

Jennie : Oh Cookie I'm very tired. Can you get my lunch for me?

 Can you get my lunch for me?

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In-Yeop + Y/N : Cookie??

Jennie : Oh sorry. I just wanted to call you Cookie. It's ok if you don't like me calling you Cookie. The name is so cute.

In-Yeop : It's ok. Sexy Jen it sounds really good when you say it. You can call me Cookie if you want.

Y/N stood up, pulled In-Yeop and took him to a corner.

Y/N : Cookie how did you give her permission to call you Cookie? It was our childhood promise.

In-Yeop : Why does it matter? It's just a name. It was a childhood thing. Now we are grown up. Why are you getting jealous about this?

Y/N : But we promised that only I can call you Cookie. No one else.

In-Yeop : It was just made up when we played games. Is it that serious?Maybe we promised numerous things in our childhood that means I have to follow everything?No right?Take it normally.

Y/N : Cookie this isn't a game. This a symbol of our friendship. Why do you always let Jennie interfere in our friendship symbols?

In-Yeop was frustrated that time.

In-Yeop with a frustrated face : Y/N this is just a mere name? You just love to be jealous. It wouldn't matter me if you call me something else.

Y/N with a sad face :Really?! It wouldn't affect you? It doesn't matter to you?!

Love or Attraction (Cha Eunwoo Or Hwang In-Yeop ff)✅Where stories live. Discover now