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In the story:

Y/N was really excited after going to In-Yeop's house because they were going to spend time together after a while. But then her face got dark when thinking about the things In-Yeop's behavior earlier.

Y/N : Will everything go back to normal after tomorrow's dinner? I guess so. I want my Cookie back.

At Y/N's home

Y/N's mom reached at home and she didn't find her.
After a while Y/N arrived home with a jolly mind .

Y/N's mom: Hey Y/N where were you till now ?

Y/N happily: I went to the Cookie's house .

Y/N's mom: Oh that's why you are so happy

Y/N : Mom tomorrow I am going xxx restaurant with Cookie for dinner. His parents asked me to go

Y/N's mom noticed Y/N is happy about that

Y/N's mom : Alright enjoy then.

Y/N's mom in mind : Aww no one can make her happy like In-Yeop does.I am so happy for them. I hope they will date soon.

She went to her bedroom.

She was looking through her clothes to see what to wear. She finally liked one.

Y/N : Ugh my fashion sense! Cookie once liked cute things but I don't think he likes them anymore. Who can help me to improve my fashion sense? I know Jennie will never help me .

Next day she went to university with joy. She met Jackson and Bambam.

Jackson : Oooh Y/N I can see glow on your face after a while.

Bambam : Is this for In-Yeop? Do you have any good news?

Y/N  shyly : Yeah Cookie and me are going for dinner tonight together.

Jackson : OMG Y/N is this a date?

Y/N : No his family asked him since we don't spend much time together.

Bambam : Oh I was gonna ask you and In-Yeop to come with us to the 'BTS' concert. Oh well I'm happy for you.All the best for tonight I hope you both will enjoy

In-Yeop and Jennie ignored Y/N as always during the classes but Y/N didn't mind because she knew she was going to have the dinner with In-Yeop soon.

At the lunch time Y/N went out to look for Eunwoo. But Eunwoo wasn't in. Y/N suddenly got a text.

Oppa : Big nails it's lunch time so eat well! I'm sorry I couldn't come today but I will try to come tomorrow:)

Y/N  smiled a bit : Ah Chatterbox oppa .He remembered about the lunch when he is not here !!

At the end of the university Y/N went to her house and after a bit Y/N got ready for the dinner. She dressed up quickly since she lived far away from the restaurant.

Y/N booked a cab and  arrived at the restaurant and sat in a seat, waiting for In-Yeop.

Y/N while checking time : Guess I'm here at the perfect time. Cookie must be coming soon.

In-Yeop and Jennie were at the Cinema so his phone was on silent.

Y/N (In text) : Cookie I'm here,at the restaurant. When are u coming?

She was waiting for In-Yeop's reply...

After sometime

The waiter asked her for her order.

Love or Attraction (Cha Eunwoo Or Hwang In-Yeop ff)✅Where stories live. Discover now