Chapter 6

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At Toast's house Bach is the only one home
Xander moves around quietly
He waits for the right moment...
Xander captures Bach

Xander: We're going to the bank!
Xander takes Bach to the bank

Bob, Toast, Pro, and Saitama all end up at the same place
Saitama: Huh?
Pro: Toast?
Toast: Bob?
Bob: Pro?

They notice the cheese sticks are with Saitama
Pro: Why are cheese sticks here?

Garou shows up
Bob: (in head) He's cool...
Garou is sent flying away and the cheese sticks run after him
Bob: (in head) Maybe I don't like the bald guy anymore...
Bob: (in head) He might be working with the cheese sticks...

Toast: Who are you?
Saitama: My name's Saitama
Toast: Why did you punch that man?
Saitama: He attacked me
The cheese sticks are not listening to the conversation

Pro: Did you see the news?
Toast: Yeah someone's window got broke
Pro: So can I stay at your house while they fix it?
Toast: Uhh sure
Toast: (in head) why would someones window being broken mean Pro should stay at my house?
Toast scratches his head

Bob leaves to get away from Saitama but he forgets the safe
Saitama: Where did everybody go?
Saitama: Woah a safe...
Saitama: I guess I'll take this safe to my house
Saitama: I wonder what's in it
Saitama walks home with the safe

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