Chapter 20

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Xander and Cheese Stick Agent 000 begin fighting
They are evenly matched at first
Cheese Stick Agent 000: Heh.. You're pretty strong..
Xander: You've seen nothing..
Cheese Stick Agent 000: What do you know about what has been going around Delbarton in safes?
Xander: Heheheheheh...
Xander: ...
Xander: ...DON'T GET ME STARTED!!!!!
Cheese Stick Agent 000: What!?
Cheese Stick Agent 000: (In head) He is suddenly different..
Cheese Stick Agent 000: I'm gonna have to go all out...

At Cheese Stick HQ
King Cheese Stick: When Cheese Stick 8 gets back I'm going to give him a promotion!
The Cheese Sticks make it back to HQ with Cheese Stick 8's Body
King Cheese Stick: Did you find Cheese Stick 8?
Cheese Stick 2: We don't know how to tell you this but..
Cheese Stick 1: He's dead...
King Cheese Stick: No.. No.. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
King Cheese Stick starts crying

Xander and Agent 000 are still fighting
Xander: I'm not even tired!
Cheese Stick Agent 000 throws the strongest punch he can at Xander's head
Xander: Hahahahah
Xander starts laughing
Cheese Stick Agent 000: What???
Toast: Oh frick..

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