Chapter 12

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Saitama is walking home when he notices Cheese Stick 8 eating the french fry that was stolen from him
Cheese Stick 8: It's you..
Saitama: You better be careful. It's been a bad day, and I'm in a bad mood
Cheese Stick 8: What?
Saitama: Everything adds up now.. It was you!
Saitama: You're the one who stole my fry.. You're the stalker!

Saitama walks towards Cheese Stick 8 with an angry look on his face
Saitama punches Cheese Stick 8 killing him in an instant
Saitama: I don't care how many times you come back to challenge me. Don't you ever go around stealing people's french fries again!

Some of the cheese sticks are whispering a few feet away from Garou
Cheese Stick 9: You saw how weak this guy is. I say we help him rob the bank and then take all of the money to King Cheese Stick
Cheese Stick 10: Good idea, plus he's already damaged so it should be easy
Cheese Stick 7: I bet he's even weaker than Cheese Stick 6 was!
Cheese Stick 1: Yeah, 6's IQ was only 9,750 unlike the rest of us with our 10,000 IQs!

Garou is focused on breaking into the bank and doesn't notice the conversation the cheese sticks are having

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