Chapter 11

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Garou and the Cheese Sticks are walking to the bank
Cheese Stick 8 notices the french fry Bob left on the ground
Cheese Stick 8: Ooh.. A long french fry!
Cheese Stick 5: You shouldn't eat food off of the ground
Cheese Stick 8: But I'm hungry.. I'm gonna eat this fry and catch up with you guys later
Cheese Stick 5: Fine..
Garou: If you take too long I will kill you!
Cheese Stick 8: Yes sir!!

Garou has no problem killing a cheese stick
Garou and the other Cheese Sticks continue walking to the bank while Cheese Stick 8 stays behind to eat the french fry

Garou makes it to the bank, but it's closed for the night
Garou: What are you yellow guys anyway
Cheese Stick 2: We are cheese sticks
Garou: Help me break into the bank
Cheese Stick 5: We don't know how to do that!
Cheese Stick 3: Only cheese stick agents can do that!
Cheese Stick 4: I'm training to be an agent, so I might be able to do it

Garou and Cheese Stick 4 start trying to get past the security system

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