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Once the doctor told you everything there was to know they handed you some clothes, 10,000 dollars as a policy from the current government and an apartment to live in; they told you to look for a guy named Allen Marks so he could take you to your apartment, making that your cue to finally exit the facility where you had been trapped in for almost 2 months straight you were escorted in a humvee to a bus stop just on the outskirts of the main city. So you took a bus and dropped off when you saw fit.

The bus had dropped you in the city center and the amazement of what a species like this could achieve, punched you right in the face.

You saw skyscrapers and while you were being amazed by all of this you couldnt help but to bump in a couple of bystanders who were passing by.

You eventually arrived in front of a skyscraper and decided to go inside and ask for Allen Marks.

You entered a decently decorated hall; not too cheap, but not too expensive either.

You went for the receptionist who was some kind of cheetah and asked her about Allen Marks.

"Oh you are just in time mr. Y/N; Allen will be with you in a moment."

Y/N: "h-how did you know my name?"

Receptionist: "oh i believe they had already told you about it, you see as surprising as this may be you are not the first... converted to arrive here so we keep in touch with the government to see if they need help with injecting someone into our society.

In short terms we keep an eye out for those who aren't capable of integrating into our society all by themselves."

Just as you were about to ask something back a black furred wolf appeared and said: "ill take it from here, Alice, thank you."

Y/N: "you must be Allen."

Allen: "yes i am mr..."

Y/N: "Y/N, just call me Y/N"

Allen: alright Y/N, please follow me

You followed closely and couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the building from inside since you hadnt seen a building that wasn't crumbling for a long time.

You arrived at an office after taking the elevator and the views were breathtaking.

Allen: "so... it has come to my attention that you are not from around here."

You were astonished that someone would treat you like this, specially after what you have been through.

Y/N: "thats a way to put it..."

Allen: "please just relax a bit my friend and have a seat..."

He said chuckling.

Y/N: "I-Im sorry but i just met you; how can you be so friendly and helpful towards someone you have met and not want anything in exchange?"

Allen: "We will have time for that later."

Allen: "For now we have to discuss your papers and get us all that bureaucracy out of the way."

You remained in that office for a good while and finally it was time for you to sign your papers which would give you a place to live.

Allen: "Well, Y/N i congratulate you for your success on acquiring a place to live."

Y/N: "thank you mr. Allen."

Allen: please enough of formalities just call me Marks."

You were about to leave but Marks said:

"Oh and if you need anything else, please do bother me, my office is always open."

He said with a smile.

Y/N: "T-thank you Marks."

Marks: "anytime!"

Once you left his office you went to find your apartment; you called for an elevator and stepped inside and just as the door was about to close shut you slipped your tail.

Y/N: "Darn it i forgot that i had a tail."

"I gotta be more careful although im surprised i got used to be like this so... quickly."

And while you were looking to the elevator door behind you someone bumped into you.

Your head hurt as if someone had hit you with a clothing iron which could only mean whoever bumped into you was in a hurry.

???: "oof sorry about that."

Y/N: "nah, don't sweat it..."

You suddenly saw her and now that you got a glance at her she was beautiful she was wearing shorts and a red jacket with a pair of fingerless black gloves she also appeared to be an arctic wolf.

???: "hey you okay there? Helloooooo!"

She said snapping her fingers on your face with a......... light blush?

Y/N: "oh fuck- i mean shit- i mean crap!" *stutters* "nevermind."

???: "yeah uuuuuh.... where were we?"

Y/N: "o-oh im sorry i bumped into you and all that."

???: "its okay really."

Y/N: "no i should have payed more attention to the road i walk."


You then noticed her training gym equipment and asked:

"Oh you know any gyms nearby? I could really use it."

???: "yeah sure! I can give you my phone and we can go to the gym later on."

Y/N: "awesome!"

You said getting up.

She handed you her phone number and you told her you were new around here and that you didn't had a phone so you handed her your apartment phone number.

???: "you live in this building? Which floor?"

Y/N: "on this floor why?"

???: "cool then we live in the same floor."

Y/N: "Awesome!"

???: "Oh shit im running late! Well see you later!"

Y/N: "wait i didnt get your name!"

???: "Velvela!"

She said turning around to look at you and then back towards the elevator.

You went into your apartment and opened the door with the keycard and go to the bed to get some shut eye for the rest of the day.    

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