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The next day you woke up at 05:33; you woke up sweating and cold at the same time. You tried to go back to sleep but you couldn't bring yourself to do it for some reason.

So you decided to go into the kitchen to make yourself breakfast but the fridge was empty.

Y/N: "of course its empty you dumbass..."

You decided to go do some shopping and you listed to buy a cellphone and some groceries.

So you took te elevator down and headed for the nearest shopping mall.

You took some milk and your favorite cereal some chips ahoy and oreo and payed for it it costed you 15,63$ (you bought enough breakfast for a week and a half.)

You then packed everything in the backpack you had brought with you and went to a phone shop and there you started eyeing the phones on display.

???: "Can i help you?" A deer like man asked you.

Y/N: "oh uuuh yeah, i was wondering if you had something not too cheap but not too expensive either."

???: "Of course! Whats your budget?"

Y/N: "Its like 450-540$."

???: "of course! Follow me."

You followed him to a section of smart phones and grabbed one that caught your attention.

Y/N: "How much for this one?"

???: "that ones a good choice it has a battery life-span of a week and 18 hours and its completely intelligent, it comes with an artificial intelligence and a memory of 50 gigabytes it would be 529.99$."

Y/N: "Great, i'll take it."

You paid for the phone and exited the store and as soon as you got out you went into a sport themed shop and bought some gym clothes (just a pair of training pants and a pair of shirts, a water bottle, a training bag and towel.) and you exited the shop; but as soon as you were out your stomach started grumbling.

You headed into an Starbucks coffee and ordered a donut and a coffee -duh-. You ate it on your way back to your apartment.

You arrived and set everything in the fridge and then tested your new smartphone.

Once it was configured and ready to go; you added Velvela to your contacts by this time it was 08:48.

You decided to text Velvela.

You: Hey

Velvela: srry do i know u?

You: its the guy u bumped into yesterday

Velvela: oh heya there! Hows it goin? I didnt get ur name back there btw

You: oh right srry, its Y/N. XD

You: wheres the gym that you go to i could really use directions :P

Velvela: oh right ill send you my location btw did u get a phone or something?

You: no im texting from my microwave HAHAHAHAA

Velvela: very funny🤣🤣

You: cptn obvious strikes again😂😂

Velvela: k ill send u my location óÓÒò

You: k see ya there 🙃

Velvela: bye!

You took your sports bag and followed the location to where Velvela is.

Once you arrived you entered te gym, payed for a months session and went inside.

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