Operation: Gehenna.

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You arrived at the gobi dessert and you were already sweating. You were disguised as chinese military and were on a jeep on your way to the military base; once you arrived you handed the id card that the pentagon had issued you and your squad and after a few seconds the guard let you through.

Mason: "Alright whats the plan?"

Velvela: *handing him a photo* "We have to retrieve this artifact."

Alexis: "May i see it?"

Mason: "here."

Velvela: "Okay, lets get focused people, we all know the drill."

You: "Acknowledged."

Velvela: "I don't need to remind you that we are in enemy territory, i don't want any casualties on my conscience, so i think its needless to say that you have to be very careful. Korevyv that goes specially for you."

The jeep arrived and everyone started to unpack the gear.

Korevyv: *getting out of the jeep* "c'mon i'm always careful."

Suddenly korevyv hit his head against the roof of the car and said in low voice.

Korevyv: "Fucking didn't saw that one!"

Veronica: *through the comms* "you have 30 seconds till power out."

Velvela: "copy that, keep us updated, 10-4."

Veronica: "10-4."

All of you exited the jeep and went through an ark and placed the bags with the gear on the x-ray.

Veronica: "aaaaaaand shut down."

Suddenly the lights went out.

Chinese soldier: *translating* "Don't worry its just a power out must be the storm outside."

The whole ghost squad turned on their night vision and started doing stealth kills; Korevyv took out his Asimov switch blade and stabbed a Chinese soldier in the throat, you with your knife did a 360 turn and stabbed a soldier in the back while covering his mouth, muffling any screams.

Mason ducked right before a soldier could land a kick on his stomach and rucked him off his feet hitting the ground knocking out the Chinese soldier out of air and stabbing him in the head.

Mason turned around to see that Alexis was having trouble with the last of the Chinese soldiers.

The soldier ducked as Alexis was about to punch him and the soldier landed two square punches in the gut. Knocking her to the ground.

Mason's eye's color changed to yellow and he charged to the soldier with the knife hitting him in the throat and then in the brain.

Mason: *offering his hand* "Alexis, are you alright?"

Alexis: *blushing faintly* "Y-yeah im *cough* okay."

Mason: "c'mon get up."

Alexis: "I owe you big time, thanks."

Mason: *blushing lightly* "N-no problem."

Korevyv: "Are you two lovebirds done? Get focused."

Ghost squad advanced through the hallways and arrived at the entrance of the main lab.

You opened the door while Vela took and Korevyv took out one nine-bang each and once you opened the door they both threw their little surprise.

You entered guns blazing and killed every soldier in sneak mode with your weapons silenced.

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