💊 Zombie apocalypse pt.1-2💊

421 14 19

(Actor Tokyo Revengers)

You held back Sanzu's strands from falling into Ran's toilet. The loud music pulsed through the walls. But they were mainly drowned out by Sanzu's dry heaving.

You really didn't understand why this man decided to keep his hair long. He could have just worn a wig or hair extensions on set like Baji and Ran but he claimed the glue they used on the wigs made him itchy.

Drama queen much.

You held back your own vomit when Sanzu threw up the rest of the alcohol he consumed throughout the night. It was his fault for getting drunk on an empty stomach. Or was it yours since you sort of forced him to come?

"What did I eat that was purple? Y/n... Am I dying?"

You snorted. "No you're alright Zu. You had a grape slush that Draken tried to give to me. It was mainly vodka..You were buzzed already so that's how we ended up in Ran's bedroom."

"We aren't home?"



You laughed at your poor boy who was groaning face down in the toilet. Over the long year of filming Akashi Haruchiyo had become your ride or die/roommate. He didn't get much screen time for season 1 but he was always around. Especially since he had a talent when it came to rigging up all the wires for the lights and sound.

He was the shyest out of all the cast members and usually kept to himself off set. One day you decided to strike up a conversation with him after one of your scenes together. It took time to break him out of his shell but it did him some good and he eventually opened up to everyone.

Plus he needed to get used to talking to everyone since he would have to channel some crazy psycho energy for when season 2 started filming.

"Why are you laughing at me Y/n? I saved your ass.. Fucker was just trying to get in your pants again."

You shook your head and clicked your tongue. He was always stingy when it came to you, he respected your whole 'No life but the hoe life' lifestyle, but that didn't mean he liked it..

"I would have let him without the drink. All he had to do was ask."

Sanzu scoffed.

"Disgusting. You know he slept with both Hina and Emma right? They were sure he was the one to give them something.. and there's a rumor he slept with Hanma too."

"You know I make everyone use protection right? Even you. What kind of hoe do you think I am?.... Plus, who hasn't slept with Hanma?"

Sanzu stood up and flushed the toilet before washing his face and hands. "I sure as hell haven't. I don't want to have to get a rabies shot or the clap.."

You snorted but before you could say a word, the devil himself must have heard you talking about him. Hanma barged into the bathroom and eyed the both of you.

"First of all...I don't have rabies! Second, You guys done fuckin in here or what? I need to take a shit!"

You and Sanzu both got pushed out before you could say a thing. Hanma grumbled something about being lactose intolerant and the devil coming out of his ass cheeks.

"There's like 6 bathrooms in this house!"

"And?! If you freaks want to watch then be my guest! I always wanted a blow job while I took a shit... Y/n you down?!"

....... Silence........

"Well fuck me then!"


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