💋💊 (WM?) Koko/ Ran

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(So you don't get lost)

Chapter from my fic (Wassup Mikey? ) RockerAU...  You can find the rewritten/extended version on my profile. *The original is on my AO3. (Yoke94)

*Mikey and Shin get arrested after your birthday party gets crashed. You all need bail money but you're all broke.

*Ran has a point system about how much girls are worth in a game he made up. (It's so they can decide who gets paid more in their little drug business)

*Koko is a bit obsessed. After Akane left for college you were the next target.


The next morning....

Or should I say afternoon?..

You woke up with heavy eyelids and a splitting headache. Your mouth was dryer than a stale cracker and your tongue felt like sand paper..

You threw yourself back into the soft surface you laid on. Already noticing the light blue ceiling.. you were back in yours and Draken's apartment..

"Fuck... I'm never drinking again."

A quiet groan went off beside you. "Shhh. Y/n stop yelling please.."

You lazily looked to your side to see Hina laying next to you.. Your bed was full of bodies..

Hina to your left, Sanzu to your right.. and Takemichi laying at everyone's feet, using Hina's tiny feet as a pillow..

You slowly wiggled out of bed.. No doubt everyone felt how you did at the moment. You needed water!

You could see Draken's hair splayed out everywhere as half of his body was leaning off his couch/bed..

If it wasn't for Kazutora holding onto him like a teddy bear, he'd be on the floor by now.

Baji and Chifuyu laid beside them, back to back hogging all the blankets. Mitsuya was snoring on the recliner. Pah and Peh were both laying on the floor.

You should probably wake up the daddies first. Before their ladies get worried...

The second your hand touched Peh to shake him awake. The door swung open and bounced off the wall.

Everyone jumped and groaned. Draken's body fell to the floor...

"Y/N!!!! OM MY GOD! Y/N!!!"

Emma's body crashed into yours. You nearly fell on top of Pah who was trying to find his cell phone.

You wrapped your arms around her to keep from falling. But she was shaking and crying.

Even though it hurted to yell. "What?! Are your okay?!"

She shook her head. But before she could mumble a word.

"Shin and Mikey were arrested last night.. Emma let me fix them up first before you start yelling again."

Wakasa walked and and looked around. He looked like he wanted to laugh, but instead he looked at you.. He opened up a plastic bag and threw you a bottle of generic pain pills.

"Take 3, and eat this."

A burrito that was sloppily wrapped, dripping with grease, and nearly falling apart was placed in your hand.

"Don't worry, Benkei made them. He's a good cook but can't roll a burrito or a joint to save his life.."

Wakasa walked around to make sure everyone was still alive. This would have been Shins job but y'know..

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