🦋💊 Bad influence (Kazutora/NB Reader.)

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*non-binary reader
*Baji and reader are besties
*Kazutora is babe
*AU/ Disney timeline. Everyone's alive 💕


"Baji... That's wrong."

The feral vampire scoffed. "How is it wrong? I've been doing this for years!"

Kazutora smiled when he handed a lighter to you. "How would you do it then Y/n? Show us your so called criminal ways.."

You looked at your partner and smirked. "I'll need this." You unwrapped the scarf that was keeping him warm. He quickly protested saying that if you were cold to just take one of his coats. He loved that scarf, even if it had holes and was falling apart. You made it for him. It had been a Home economics project that you failed on but he cherished it..

Shaking your head. "I'll make you a new one, I promise. A better one!" You walked up to a light blue car while both males watched curiously from behind a neatly trimmed hedge.

You hated this car, your mother literally forced your dad to buy it for her. Why? Just because she lost her keys to her old one... Like really? And now she was going to take your boyfriend away from you...

You weren't letting go of him without a fight. This was going to get messy...

You looked around and noticed not a soul in sight. Everyone was still inside the schools building. A meeting had been called for all parents and faculty to discuss the schools policy of accepting teens who had just come out of juvie.

A lot of parents were suddenly unhappy about their kids sharing a classroom with "criminals". Especially since the school charged a pretty penny for each student every semester.

Who were the ones to start up such drama? Why, it had been your own parents. Well, more your own mother..

The second she had seen a rough looking boy kiss your hand goodbye she freaked out. Her fingers were dialing your principles number to complain.

A boy with dyed hair and tattoos was looking at her child like some sort of meal ticket? Not on her watch..

In reality Kazutora just simply adored you. In awe that someone as attractive as you found interest in him. A loser who only made bad decisions..

He didn't notice he was staring so hard at your figure. It took Baji giving him a rough shove that finally snapped his eyes away from you.

"Aww, you love them!.. fuckin simp!"

Kazutora felt his cheeks heat up. He did but you both haven't said those words to one another yet. He wanted it to be special... "Shut up! They'll hear you!"

Baji snorted and watched you pop off the cars gas top and stuff the old scarf Kazutora had on into the tank.

"Remember the first time you guys met? You pissed your pants? I'm going to work that story into my best man's speech one day."

Tora's eyes widened.. he's tried to forget that embarrassing day..

"No! That's not what happened.."

Baji snorted. "Uh-huh... Then why did you come out of the closet with a new pair of pants? If it was anything other than pee, you would have just let it air dry."

********Kazutora's embarrassing day..**********

He shifted in his spot as his eyes traveled over the huge building. Was this really a school? It looked like a mansion..

A scoff came from beside him. Mikey scrunched up his nose. "I don't see why they wouldn't let you come to my school. You're going to get all snoody like Baji.."

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