💊zombie apocalypse pt3-4

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***2 weeks later***

Shit only got worse...

Hanma and Draken we're fighting every chance they got. Ran had a small break down and cut his hair, Rindou was able to stop him before ran was able to cut his own bangs. After that Rindou isolated himself in his room. Mikey was Mikey and Baji was Baji, just a bit more clingy. You and Sanzu tried to stay sane but by now the phones, Internet, power, and water all stopped running/working.

What was more concerning was Kisaki started mumbling to himself and writing down plans in a note book he found.

Plans for what? No one knew, he always hid them from prying eyes. But one morning Hanma found a window on the second story floor that was torn open. Tetta Kisaki was long gone by then.. Not a single note or clue to where he went.

Hanma acted fine but you all could see his hurt. He and Kisaki spent a lot of time together. So Tetta leaving without him or at least saying goodbye had to sting a little..

What also hurt was that no one else showed up these past two weeks and it was getting hard to keep thinking positively. Especially after seeing someone get eaten in front of Ran and Rins house when you and Draken were on window watch. The person had blue hair and for a second you thought it was Angry. Thankfully it wasn't since they were female but still heartbreaking that their life was cut short.

Right now it was nearly dark, You and Sanzu mostly talked nonsense just to pass the time before bed.

Today was Disney and Sanzu was the on to start off the conversation.

"You think Tarzan was a virgin when he met Jane? Or did he clap gorilla cheeks?"

Sanzu looked at you and waited for your answer. You both laid in the middle of the living room with Rindou's portable nightlight that was shaped like a campfire. You both snuggled under a fort you made with the couches and some blankets.

"Definitely clapped cheeks. What do you think?"

Before Sanzu could answer back another body wiggled themselves in-between the two of you.

To Sanzu's dismay, Baji made himself comfortable before relaxing with both his arms behind his head.

"He was a virgin. They didn't like him because he looked different remember?"

Sanzu shook his head. Might as well get used to having Baji try to cling to you, you were the only one who gave him attention, well you or Mikey...

This is why Sanzu only liked it when it was just the two of you. Kind of hard to have that when you're trapped in a house with one female and a bunch of dudes.

You on the other hand continued the conversation. "Yeah but Terk liked him and was his friend. I'm sure they got curious in their teenage years."

"Terk wouldn't let Tarzan up in his asshole though. Probably he'd beat Tarzan's meat just to help a homie out but---"

You cut him off "Terk's a girl Baji."

"Bullshit!?" He looked at Sanzu who was sitting up by now. "Is she bullshitting me?"

Sanzu shook his head. "Nope, Terk's a chick. A butch one, but still has a pussy."

"Damn.... I wanna change my answer now. Do you think Terk had that gorilla grip good-good or--- ? "

"You son of a bitch!"

The three of you popped your heads out of the fort to see Draken holding Hanma back from Ran. Rindou came down from his room and stood at the end of the stairs, Mikey stood next to him eating a bag of chips.

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