1. Retrieving the child

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Plo was anxiously sitting in the pilot's chair, staring into the blue lights of hyperspace. He was trying to figure out a plan, for he had no idea what he would do when he got there. Obi-wan then walked into the room, and Plo immediately noticed Obi's Padawan was missing "Where's Anakin?" Plo asked. "he's just taking a nap," Obi-Wan replied. "I wanted him to get some rest before the mission," he explained. Plo nodded in approval.

"So, do you have a plan for this mission?" Obi-Wan asked. "I have part of a plan, but it involves a lot of improvising, depending on how the rest of it goes." Plo said."well then, why don't we have a small briefing, we'll need to know all the details, slavery planets are tricky, and sometimes the people try to outwit you," Obi-Wan said. Plo didn't argue with that, it was true slave owners tended to be tricky and stubborn, always wanting to get their way.

Obi-WN and Plo walked to the main part of the ship so they could do a briefing. Anakin was still not present.

"For this mission, we can't just walk up and take the child, we will have to talk to the slave owner. My plan is to land the ship far away, walk into town, and simply ask the slave owner if we can take the child." Plo said. "But what if the slave owner doesn't let us take her?" Obi-wan questioned. "That's when we improvise," said Plo. Obi-Wan loomed over the idea for a while and then he nodded his head and then said "sounds like a fairly decent plan. And like I said, slave owners can be tricky, so Improvising seems like a good ideA because we won't know the outcomes right away"
"Right," Plo agreed.
Then they split ways again, Obi-Wan going to tell Anakin his instructions (He was to stay in the ship and monitor communications, he would also be the pilot if anything went wrong), and Plo-Koon heading for the pilot's chair for a second time.

Plo eventually landed the ship on a low hill slightly away from the slavery town the child was in. Even if it was a slavery planet, it truly was a sight to see. With its pink, orange, blue, and yellow skies, its white Flonfas (Neuth's clouds) swirling in the sky, and even its golden-looking soil, it looked beautiful. Plo only wished that the lovely village that had once inhabited this town was not destroyed by slave owners so many years ago.

As Obi-wan and Plo walked through the slavery town they got quite some looks. I guess that would make sense because this planet hardly got any visitors, especially Jedi. They eventually walked up to the big temple in the middle. This was definitely where the slave owner 'lived.' They then went inside the temple to see if they could find the slave owner.

The slave owners' temple was truly amazing, there were so many pieces of artwork and decorations. As they walked closer, they saw the slave owner standing in the corner talking to 2 other people. Then he walked over to them. "Our guests have arrived, welcome, we've been expecting you." Obi-wan then replied: "Good afternoon Mr..."- "Please, call me Mr. Gladier." The slave owner said with a smile on his face. "Come, we have a lot to talk about," said Mr. Gladier.

They walked throughout the temple as questions were being asked. "So tell me, what Is your business on Neuth, we don't get visitors often." Plo then spoke up "We came to pick up a child who has great potential to be a Jedi," Said Plo. "You usually don't come and pick up the sensitive Jedi here, I thought you didn't think they had good enough potential. I have had a handful of sensitive children in all the years I've been running this place and took care of them properly." Obi-wan took this as a chance to talk. "This force-sensitive child is different. This could be the most powerful child we have ever sensed. We could feel the child's power from the temple." "Yes, and that is why you cannot have her, we have taken care of this problem without your help before, besides she will be very valuable to trade then." "You are NOT trading her," Plo said with a growl. Obi-Wan had to hold him back. " well then," Gladier frowned "We have a problem now don't we, if you don't leave this planet within the next ten minutes we'll have to take care of it." He said with a grin.

Unsuccessful with their mission, Obi-Wan and Plo walked out of the temple and towards the direction of their ship. "He doesn't seem that 'glad' for someone who has the name Gladier" Plo muttered under his breath. "What was that?" Obi-wan asked as they were walking to the ship. "It's just, Gladier knows she's special, and that only makes him think he can sell her for more!!!!" Obi-Wan then stopped walking toward the ship. "Obi-Wan, what are you doing?" Plo asked. "I'm going to find the child. We still have 9 minutes before we are forced to leave and if we could sense her from the temple, we can sense her here. Even if it is going to be harder, We WILL find her Plo." Obi-Wan said. Talk about a pep talk! "Thank you, Obi-Wan," Plo said softly. Then they walked to a nearby valley and started to meditate. As soon as a few minutes passed, he felt a disturbance in the force "Wait, do you sense that?" He asked. "Not as much as you probably do, it's faint but it's there, come, it might be the child," Obi-Wan said. They walked back into town and soon rounded the corner of the temple. They walked until they found a child in the corner. "I'll let you handle this," said Obi-Wan.

A little girl with brown hair was sitting in the corner. This was the child. Plo was sure. She looked a lot like her adoptive mother, even though it was about certain that they weren't related. With her brown hair with slight volume in small curls, and the way she looks when she is happy or upset. But some features were different, her skin was a little paler than her adoptive mother's, and she had these green eyes, but they had a weird glow to them. It made Plo wonder who her real mother was. She also had this aura to her, like she was from a strange, unrecognizable planet.

Plo sat next to her, "Hello little one," he said. "hello" the girl managed to choke out between sobs. "what is your name child" he said "Ashlynn." She replied In a whisper, "Well Ashlynn, can you tell me why you are crying?" She shook her head. "It's okay sunflower, I won't tell anyone, you can trust me." He said. "The owner, he-he wants to sell me, before he said I was special, so if I'm so special why does everyone what me gone?" *sob* "After beating me and telling me I was worthless, he then told me it was going to be like I never existed." She said as she cried "I'm sorry little sunflower, I'm sure he didn't mean that." Plo said as he tried to console the child "He said papa didn't care about me, but that is just the thing, papa doesn't care about me, he has ignored me ever since Mami disappeared." Ugh, that little piece of trash, forget what I said about him before I absolutely HATE him. "Well my little sunflower, we also came here to take you away, but in a good way, you're coming with the Jedi." He said "The Jedi?" Ashlynn questioned. " Sunflower, you better come with me, we have a lot to tell you," Plo said as he stood up, holding hands with Ashlynn, and walked to the ship with Obi-Wan.

They would need to move quickly to get the child away from this planet, and away from the father as fast as possible. Plo didn't want her to ever feel sad again. They ran toward the ship, Obi-Wan fighting off the guards Gladier sent to chase them out. Plo didn't care if Gladier was doing it on purpose, or that he probably had a scheme unraveling that Plo and Obi-Wan didn't recognize. Plo only cared if Ashlynn was safe.

They eventually arrived at the ship, it was already running and ready for take off. Anakin had done his job nicely. They ran onto the ship, relieved that they were finally safe. Ashlynn looked up at Plo, and to comfort the child even more, Plo said "Don't worry little sunflower, you are safe now."

He enjoyed his new nickname for Ashlynn, it fit her perfectly. No one was ever going to hurt her again, Plo promised that. She was his little sunflower.

My Destiny ~ By @Icy-WriterWhere stories live. Discover now