-five: carnivores

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"how could you miss a dead body?" anastasia said crossing her arms.

anastasia and wednesday were boroughs into principal weems office, where sheriff galpin was bred to speak to them.

"cause it wasn't there. no footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. nothing, nada. my search party looked all night." sheriff said.

"well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home. we saw that monster kill rowan right in front of us." wednesday said.

"get a good look at this monster thing?" sheriff galpin asked. "it didn't stick around for a chat." wednesday responded. "maybe it was one of your classmates." he spoke again. "okay we don't have cannibals-" anastasia started before she was cut off.

"sheriff, i find that question offensive." principal weems said. "i don't care, 'cause i got three other dead bodies in the morgue. hikers just ripped apart in the woods."

"the mayor said those were bear attacks." anastasia said. "well, the mayor and i disagree on that." sheriff said.

"still, we aren't carnivores-" anastasia said before being cut off again.

"so you automatically assume a nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed." weems said. "i'm sorry. i forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?" the sheriff said sarcastically.

"whatever, i don't understand why you get paid for doing absolutely nothing. fuck you asshole." anastasia said rolling her eyes and walking away.

she walked to her room, annoyed and mad. okay, they may be two 15 year old's but they weren't idiots. rowan was 100% killed, killed by something inhuman.

when anastasia walked in she saw a hand sitting on her bed, touching her stuff. "what the heck!" she screamed jumping back.

"get off my stuff, you-whatever you are!" she said walking to it. "i see you've found thing." wednesday said.

anastasia turned around to see wednesday, with her hands clasped in front of her. the hand crawled to her and stood by her side.

"where's the rest of him.." anastasia said, staring at thing scared. "it's one of the many addams family secrets." wednesday spoke. anastasia nodded, still a bit scared.


"ladies come on, let's work of those teeth. more scowl. this kitty is taking no prisoners. if bianca barclay wins again this year, i will literally scratch my own eyes out!" enid yelled as girls from ophelia hall were working on a boat.

"i would pay money to see that." a voice said. "howdy, roomie! i'm so glad you decided to stay." enid said.

"i thought you wanted your duo room back." wednesday said. "full disclosure, anastasia is a bit scary and thing gives a killer neck massage. it's a win-win." enid said.

"first of all, i can hear you. and second of all, was i the only who didn't know about thing. i genuinely feel left out." anastasia said. "anyway, why the change of heart?"

"i refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game." wednesday said. "you mean rowan?"

"come on e, don't tell me you don't believe us either. we witnessed his murder, enid" anastasia spoke. "it's just, we all saw him this morning. very much, like, not dead." enid said.

"i know. which leads me to believe we've been losing our minds. it's not nearly as fun as i had anticipated. you're nevermore's gossip queen. what's rowan's story?" wednesday said.

"other than being a weird loner... uh... no offense." enid said. "none taken." wednesday said bluntly. "xavier thorpe's his roommate. if you had a cell phone, you could just text him and ask him. well, hey anastasia you can text him, we all know you want an excuse to text him anyway." enid said.

anastasia kicked her leg and enid shrugged. "I would never want to text that snob, elitist snob to he exact." anastasia said, hinting to a pass conversation the two had. "yoko. come on! flare those whiskers. the poe cup droops for no one." enid yelled again.

"what is the poe cup anyway?" wednesday asked. "enid's entire reason for living right now. part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules. each dorm has to pick an edgar allan poe short story for inspiration. you could grab a brush. ms. thornhill's just ordered pizza. want to take a stab at being social?" anastasia spoke.

"i do like stabbing. the social part, not so much. besides, it'll cut into my writing time." wednesday said. "no worries. just as long as you're lakeside cheering us to victory on race day. or you can just glare uncomfortably. whatever works for you." enid said smiling.


they were now in gardening class, aka anastasia's least favorite class. "i see you finally made a friend. even if it is a plant." bianca said. wednesday was really talking to thing, who was behind it.

"i go for quality over quantity." wednesday said. "see, ianca maybe you should mind your business and focus on trying to win the poe cup because we're gonna crush you." anastasia said as wednesday went to sit next to enid.

anastasia looked around for a place to sit, anywhere but the seat next to xavier, who was drawing. "there's an open spot next to me. if you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob." he said.

how did he even know about that. again, you can't trust no one. xavier stopped coloring, and reached his hand over the drawing pad.

the page started rustling, and the spider rose from the page, walking towards anastasia. she thought her powers were cool, but xavier's powers were over the top cool.

"i doubt anastasia is impressed by your tricks, mr. thorpe." ms. thornhill said. "admit it, you're a little impressed." xavier said smiling.

"just a little." anastasia whispered. xavier smiled. "and my little, is smaller than a speck of dust." the girl said slamming her hand on the drawing and it disappeared into a puff of smoke.

the students laughed and xavier closed his book annoyingly. "well, as you know we have a new student. wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." ms. thornhill said.

"now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" ms. thornhill said, and bianca raised her hands. "dendrophylax lindenii." anastasia said out loud.

she might hate this class, but thanks to her father's obsession with plants she probably knew every type in the world. "otherwise known as the ghost orchid." bianca added.

"first discovered on the isle of wight in 1854." anastasia said, smiling sarcastically at bianca. "very good, anastasia. you may have competition for first chair, Bianca." ms. thornhill said.

the students oohed and snickered, anastasia never participated in class, and nobody ever went against bianca for first chair.

"anastasia, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities." "resilience and adaptability. it's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." she said.

"but its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." bianca said. "usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. nothing a weed whacker couldn't fix."

"you can most certainly try." 'are we still talking about flowers?" xavier said. at least his somewhat smart.

"thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." ms. thornhill said. anastasia crossed her legs and smirked, she could feel Bianca staring at her in anger. and boy did she love it.

nayah speaks !

omg, I literally said ty for 3.74k last chapter, and that was like 2-3 days ago. I've literally DOUBLED in reads since then.



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