-eleven: killer not a lover

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parents weekend, when parents come to nevermore academy to express all the love they have for their children, and how much they miss their prescence.

but anastasia didn't have that. she didn't have parents that cared for her, wanted to see her other that summer break.

ever since she was 10 and she started at nevermore, parents weekend came and at first she just thought her parents were busy with being famous.

but then they missed the next parents weekend,

and the next,

and the next,

until she realized, they simply didn't just want to see her.

now anastasia was sixteen, and she sat in her bedroom staring at the wall emotionless, trying not to cry as she heard the chatter of families below.

she then heard a knock on her door and anastasia got up, and opened the door.

"there she is." ajax said as she opened the door. "what do you want." anastasia said turning around.

"my yearly comforting on parents weekend. but in all seriousness weems wants everyone in the quad."

"even though she knows that my parents aren't coming?" anastasia said, and ajax shrugged.

"just come on." ajax said grabbing her arm as she got to the quad.

the first people she ran into were the addams, who she hadn't seen since the day wednesday arrived.

"our mini kent. how are you!" morticia said once she saw the girl. "i'm fine." anastasia said picking at her red acrylics.

"where are your parents, boy i would love to joke around with darius like the old times." gomez said.

"believe me i'm asking myself that too." anastasia smiled at the addams. "appreciate your parents kid, before they forget about you, and act as if you're a roach."  anastasia said to pugsley.

weems then got on her mic, and many people gathered around to see.

"nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children. so they can learn and grow. no matter who or what they are." weems said and everyone clapped.

"i realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students."

"but i'm happy to report that eugene is on the mend sis expected to make a full recovery. so let's focus on the positive and make this parents weekend our best one yet." weems finished and clapping erupted again.

"anastasia!" a voice yelled, and she spotted ajax's mom waving to her.

anastasia smiled, mrs. petropolus was like her actual mom. every parents weekend anastasia would eat with ajax and his family, as if they were her own.

"hi!" anastasia said excited as she ran over. "ajax told me you were feeling down, i never know why charlotte and darius never come, they were so excited when they found out charlotte was pregnant."

"it's fine, i know they're busy."  anastasia said, even though she knew they didn't want to see their daughter.

"you're still more than welcome to sit with us when we eat." ms. petropolus said. "you know i'll be there." anastasia said as she hugged ajax's mom.

she spotted xavier up above then, and send her goodbyes to the petropolus family and went to meet him.

but as she got here she spotted bianca already walking up to xavier, were they back together?

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