cookies , confessions and christmas - felix 🎂

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you and your best friend felix were baking cookies for christmas since yours , chans and felix's families are back in australia all 3 of you would celebrate christmas together and have ' the annual christmas sleepover' as you would like to call it this year however chan couldn't make it because he was at the company for a live with JYP himself. so you and felix were left alone in his house the  evening before christmas day which was not good at all. 1) both of you were like little kids and chan was the responsible one and with him gone its going to be chaos and 2) you have a massive crush on felix and without chan things could get a little awkward . dont get me wrong both of you are so soft and comfortable with each other that a stranger would think you guys were dating but seeing felix show no interest in girls scared you . scared that he would reject you.

"y/n pass me the sugar" felix said as he prepared the batter. "here" you said as you handed him the sugar. everything went smooth until both of you  somehow got into a pillow fight while the cookies were in the oven and it ended up with both of you covered with flour like pale ghosts."lee felix! i washed my hair today!!" you screamed as you chased felix around the house. he kept laughing while he literally ran for his life. until you tripped and fell hitting your head on the wooden table with the sharp end. "ow" you cried as you felt you head "holy crap y/n are you okay?" felix said immediately coming to your side. "oh -oh" he said with a concerned look on his face. you head was bleeding not hysterically but it was bleeding and that panicked felix. felix knows your fear of blood so he carried you bridal style towards the bathroom and washed your hair .and you saw the faint red colour dissolve with water and into the drain. "felix am I bleeding?!" you asked panicking " yes but its not deep don't panic i'm here" he said as he gently washed and patted your hair down with a towel. he then inspected the area slowly. there was a scratch on your scalp which was minor but the scar on you forehead was deep . he took out the first aid kit and slowly treated your wound while comforting you with kind words. " there we go y/n see you were brave and im sorry it was my fault that you fell" he apologized sincerely but you couldnt focus on the apology instead your eyes fell on  the beautiful freckles in his face that shined brighter than the stars .you admired his big brown eyes and blonde hair . "y/n?" he questioned seeing you staring at him with no sign of pain. " are you okay?" " y-yea i-i'm okay" you stuttered and internally slapped yourself he saw the hint of confusion in your eyes. " you can't lie to me you know that" he said which was true you can lie to anyone but not lix he knew when you were lying  by how your nose would crunch up when you lied "lix?" you started " yes?" he said with utmost kindness "if i say something will you be mad?" you asked gently. "not at all just tell me i promise i won't be mad" he said with same amount of gentleness. " w-wel i'- i love you no i adore you " you said looking down waiting for a rejection instead he raised your chin using his index finger and made you look him in his big brown eyes and into his soul all you saw was pure adoration and love but what if behind it was something else and he was preparing you for a rejection? "i've wanted to say that and you stole my line" he said and before you coud comprehend what just happened your lips were met with felix's soft lips the strawberry chapstick he used still remained in his lips and the kiss was mixed with love, adoration and strawberries.

both of you parted form the kiss and looked into each others eyes and felix tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and gently said " i love you too pabo" and before either of you could do anything you smelt burning . burning??! felix sprinted towards the kitchen and opened the oven which made the whole house heated. " operation make cookies a fail but operation confess a success " you said as you back hugged felix he melted into your touch " yea.." he said and sighed in relief and sadness. both of you ended up making a new batch of cookies and discarding the burnt ones . 

later chris arrived and immeditely saw you in a bandage on your forehead " y/n!? what in the world happened?!" felix and you looked at chan guiltily as you made him sit down and felix offered him cookies and unraveled the whole story to him he then went on and gave a lecture about dating , responsibility and safety . the clock struck midnight and christmas was here again to bring each other closer and comfortable. you were cuddled up in felix's lap and chris was next to you two watching the christmas movie you guys put on engulfed in warm fluffy blankets and love.

word count:915

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