royal - yang jeongin pt. 2💗

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fluff🌸 ( pt. 1 to royal above chapters)

If feelings were hidden forever life would be so colourless...

 After yang jeongin had been crowned king of   Lenor  jeongin and you had taken a small wedding with just the two of you since well the first wedding was about anything but love. 

one morning you woke feeling like well. shit. you flit towards the bathroom and threw up everything you ate the previous night. " honey whats wrong?" you heard jeongin call from the bed. " nothingg!" you screamed back not wanting to worry him any more. with hm being the ne king he had way more things on his plate . you flushed your contents from dinner down the toilet and made your way to the bedroom to find I.N rubbing his head sleepily with his eyes half open. he only wore a pair of basketball shorts and had his abs in full display. you had seen him shirtless of course even more than that ;) but seeing him like this made your face a blushing mess. you launched yourself into him both of you falling back onto the bed. " good morning love" you greeted him. " hmm morning" he said in his raspy voice. " we need to get up your majesty" you teased. " five  more minutesss" he groaned cuddling you even tighter.

" ah y/n its so nice to finally see you"  came  your mother in law. " eomma. its nice to see you too" you bowed. " wheres I.N?" asked your father - in -law. " he went to the neighbouring country for 2 weeks. i thought he already told you" " ah that kid probably too stressed out to remember " his mother said. " oemma . appa come ill direct  you to the main room." you said leading them to the main room. you asked a maid to make some tea to which they did. your mother-in-law took a sip of tea and smiled. " so how have you to been? in peace i suppose?" 
" ofc your hghness. he had been a bit stressed lately resulting in him being clingier than usual"
" ha. he really does love you he never clings on to anyone not even me!. im glad this marriage worked" you mother-in -law said to which whch you smiled in assurance. you were about to continue the conversation. you had so much to tell but you felt the familiar rumbling in your stomach. your mouth felt dry . you felt like throwing up again. " im sorry but can you please give me a moment?" you asked and ran towards any bathroom available without waiting for their answer. you threw up the contents of dinner again. " sweetie? are you alright?" came the voice of your worried mother-in-law. " im f-fine" you coughed. you went out after flushing the toilet. " sweetie can we talk for a moment? your father-in-law is in the garden taking a stroll if you were wondering" you smiled and nodded. you mouth was dry so you drank some water after both you and your mother-in-law came into your bedroom. " i need you to answer honestly okay?" she asked in a tone that reeked seriousness. 
" did you or did you not just throw up in the bathroom?" you were taken back by the question but you nodded none the less. " okay.. how long have you been throwing up every morning?" you looked at her in shock ' how did she know?' your mother-on-law had a look of excitment and curiosity in her face. " for a week now" you replied suspiciosly. " is there a chance that you might be pregnant?" she asked and thats when you realized. your eyes went wide and your mouth went dry you looked at your mother-in-law. " i-i m-might b-be " you stutteres. " we nedd to get you tested. this is so exciting!!" she squeled. you blinked hard trying to process everything. thats explains a lot. " honey! call a doctor!!" she screamed and seconds later your father-in-law came with a worried expression . " whyy?! what happened? is everything alright?!" he paniced. " everybody's okay just do what i  said." she ordered to which her husband instantly obeyed and soo n enough you were laid on the bed with a doctor inspecting you. " congratulations your highness you are pregnant" he said as tears start to well in your eyes. you never had the kids topic with jeongin but you always loved to have a kid on your own . your mother-in-law you had held your hand through the chevk up was squealing in happiness. " oh god bless! im having a grandchild!" she said hugging you. while you just sat their thinking of ways to break this news to jeongin...

jeongin was coming home today. during the span of 2 weeks your in laws. your parents your aunts and uncles have all visited you and you didnt mind at all you were glad that there was always someone keeping you company. " your highness his highness has arrived" said a maid to which you thanked and ran towards the main gate. and there he was with his  black pants and black button up shirt with a few buttons open making him look sexy as ever. you ran upto him and let your body fall on him. " hey love" he said hugging you back. he picked you up and twirled you around his eyes never leaving yours. the maids who witnessed this scene unfold before there eyes had a smile of happinesss in their faces. " i need to tell you something can we go to the chambers?" you asked to which he nodded and carried you bridal style towards the bedroom. you werent surprised considering how many times he carried you like that and honestly you missed being carried like that.

he bought you to the bedroom locking the door behind him, he pushed you in bed and started kissing you passionately. "  missed your lips" he said. " only my lips?" you asked teasingly. " no love i missed you" he said resuming back to kissing you. the kisses trailed down to your neck. you immediately pushed him away. " not now! i need to tell you something important" you said hitting his chest. he chuckled. " sure come with me" he said taking your hand in his leading you towards the balcony. waves of nostalgia went over you. you leaned on the balcony as jeongin trapped you " do you remember when i first met you? you were here in this balcony " you said as he hummed staring at your hair. you stared away into the garden below you. " jeongin?" you asked after a few minutes of utter silence. " hmm?" he hummed hugging you waist. " what do you think about kids?" you asked as you gulped. " i think they are cute and wholesome but the thought of having my own kids scare me . i can barely make time for you " he said looking at your long black hair. you turned around to face him. a few tears start to build up n the corner of your eyes. " hey hey love?  something wrong?" he asked cupping your face with a worried look on his face. " will you be mad at me if i tell you something?" you asked. he was a bit suspicious but nodded. " no i wont be mad at you" he reassured. " i'm p-pregnant" you said looking down. he stared into thin air . " you are?" he asked a bit surprised. " i get it if you are dissapointed-" you were cut of by jeongin. " why would i be dissapointed?! im  thrilled. y/n im the happiest man alive!" he screamed picking you up and twirling you once again. " i love you so so much we can make time for our little one. i promise "  he said tears in his eyes. he then kissed you passionately. "  i love you both..." he said rubbing circles on your tummy... 

 a/n  : a bit cringe yes. okay i admit it its a lot more cringe but pls do tell me what needs to be improved. byee luv u

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