Stacy's Mom: A Cold but Needy Childhood Friend

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Y/n POV:

The 2 years of my life was to spending some time replenish way of thinking. Most of my friends were on successful path, while here I am staying at home, watching Bleach, playing the new God of War game, and just being not so Godly. Living in a complex that had one of the strangest people who lived there. I really don't mind it at all as I don't interfere their life, I'm okay. The rent was kind to my budget and it was cool for me. My life doesn't have any good nor bad, it's basically neutral for me. But everything changes...

One day, I was just locking my apartment room door when the door from my left opened. My eyes opened wide as it was no one but my old Childhood bestfriend... Kendra Lust. I didn't expect that she was living with the same apartment of where I was, but something was wrong with her. She seemed, tired and depressed?

Kendra was one of my friends that I was closer to her since the elementary days. She was this cold type girl but in a good way for her but a bad way for me. I can't really point out as I also can't predicted her move, but for everyone she was cold for me it wasn't that much intense. Kendra was somewhat needy for some cuddles and my own warmth. This was fine for me as I get also comfortable with her. But due to how we grew up, our relationship starts to dwindle.

While I still have no balls to go up with a girl, Kendra began to have a lot of Boyfriends. Not gonna lie, I do have a feeling towards to her but the thought of rejection from her was always in my head. So, I couldn't do it at all. Besides, there's some people that are much better than me for her anyway. Her coldness began to affected me that I never strike a conversation towards her at that point. Our relationship was somewhat vanished. When we graduated, I separated from her and just be own again.

Here I am now, looking to a girl who became a much colder than her younger self. As much I would be happy that I met her, I have no time for some normal conversation with her. I left the scene due to how it feels so awkward.

Getting a job from a Walmart feels like a giving an essay to a MIT or even Oxford. It was tough but it was enough for me to have a maintain finance to help a lot of things in my needs. My work would start tomorrow and this is fine for me and went back to my apartment. The room was lighted only by the Television. Looking to the time and it was passed 1:00 AM, the feeling of thirst was nothing for me due to how I consume much of my water jug. My work would start in the 10 am, so I save the game and went to sleep.

The alarm bursting widely and almost smashed into pulp due to how annoying the tone is. Looking at the time and it was 8:00 am, waking up so brightly in the most sun-ish lighted room. My eyes were still in the needed of sleep but I took it all to just do whatever it takes to get good in my first job, as a stocker.

While I was cleaning the unnecessary stuff in my room, a knock can be heard outside of my room door. I opened it and it was non other than Kendra, and in her hands, she was holding a small container box. Though her eyes and mine never met, I knew that she was happy to see me. She reaches her arm towards and handed the container box to me. I wasn't sure either I rejected it or not, but I just took it anyway.

Kendra began to blush crazily and with an embarrassing and awkwardness she quickly left the scene. I went to the dinner table and opened the container to be greeted by her dish. It was a chicken curry and I was so glad that it was, because of how also talented at cooking Kendra was. With a great attitude and thanks for her, I took it to my work and have a lunch there.

I left the apartment to be greeted a loud screaming from the next door. A man came out, being furious to a person that was inside. He was walking like a hulk that his rage can't be contained. Then I noticed Kendra also got out... Is the man her husband? Kendra turns around and notices me, her eyes were in the state of almost crying but trying not to show it to me. She quickly went inside and the feeling of worry overcame me. Feeling so bad about it and probably trying to know her situation first before judging. My work wasn't that fun at all but it needs and works very well for me. Stocking some new guns, cereals, games, you named it.