~Chapter Twenty Six~

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People go their separate ways for a reason. Humans drift apart as they grow, unable to connect with the part of themselves that made certain relationships work. Even the healthiest of relationships- romantic or platonic- can be grown out of like a woolly jumper. Even if the jumper was loved, worn to the point of holes and loose threads, nothing can stop it from becoming too small.

Which was why Will was confused when seeing Violet Westwood in his living room.

"Hey," she said casually, resting her back against the arm of his couch, her long legs laid across the body of it, her feet sat on top of Jack's lap. As though she lived there. As though she owned the fucking place.

"Violet." Her name fell out of Will's lips, tasting bitter on his tongue as he said it. The aftertaste was unpleasant, and lingered as he watched her look up from her phone that was constantly buzzing.

In the months they'd been apart, he hadn't contacted her. It was easy to ignore her calls and messages. By the looks of things she had been pretty busy the last few months. She now had a career in modelling, most likely thanks to Jack and whatever press he'd exposed her to. It was as if she'd never had a kid at all.

The child, luckily, was nowhere to be seen.

"You're looking well," she commented, looking her former best friend up and down with assessing eyes.

"Am I?" Will raised a suspicious brow, knowing never to trust a compliment from Violet.

"Better than I thought you'd look," Violet answered honestly.

"I didn't realise you were here with Jack," was what Will opted for. Conversing with the bitch was not a task high on his to-do list, especially when she clearly hadn't changed despite being a mother now.

He never asked Jack about his niece. In his eyes, Scarlett Lockwood was incredibly unfortunate to be born into his tragic family. Despite her trust fund being large enough to make a grand start in ending world hunger, Will wouldn't wish this life upon anyone. So no, Will never asked how she was doing. Never asked for photographs or updates.

However, he imagined she was fine for now at least.

"He's my fiance, why wouldn't I be?"

"Your what now?" Will questioned in bewilderment.

Behind him, Parker was standing with wide eyes. When Jack told him that he was bringing Violet to Will's place, he made the executive decision to come along- just in case.

What Jack had failed to mention beforehand was the state of his relationship with Violet. Never had he mentioned the engagement to his friend, nor any plans to propose at all. It had not been mentioned once, in any phone call they'd had with each other in months. But he supposed it shouldn't have come as too much of a shock considering they had a child together.

It made the Lockwood family look slightly better, too. Although, announcing this to the press would most likely be like attempting to polish a shit.

"I proposed to Violet a few weeks ago," Jack cut in, sensing whatever strange emotion that was brewing in his brother's blood. Not that he expected a great reaction to the announcement. He wasn't naive to the way his friends and family felt about Violet. Dylan had always thought she was a raging bitch, and his parents only liked her money.

Parker had always tried to keep quiet about his resentment towards Violet around Jack, knowing he must see a different side to her than the rest of planet earth.

But Will. Will had become unfiltered. Bitter thoughts were no longer sweetened with the fear of being disliked or condemned. Consequences? Never heard of them.

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