~Chapter Twenty Nine~

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Everything you need to know about a murderer's brother and his relation to the Arthur Evans case.

William Lockwood is the youngest in the Lockwood family, though not the most innocent. An anonymous source told our reporters that the spawn of billionaires was a struggling addict and currently dealing with personal issues of his own.

It has been reported that almost three years ago in the summer of 2018, Lockwood nearly died of a drug overdose, which was covered up by his mother, Marie- he was only sixteen at the time. He was said to have left a suicide note, found by an empty bottle of pills by his bedside. At this time, Will had been rumoured to have been dating actor Max King, who then was only seventeen years old.

Reports of the scene stated that King was the person who found Will Lockwood in his Aunt's New York penthouse, not breathing.

When questioned recently about his relationship with Will Lockwood, King said: "I have nothing to say about my relationship with Will. What happened between us was the result of two reckless teenagers left to their own devices. I cared for him deeply and still do. I wish him well." The actor refused to say no more on the matter, though looked solemn and regretful that he couldn't say more.

During the run up to Dylan Lockwood's murder trial, the younger of his brothers has chosen to stay completely quiet. According to a source close to the family, Will has not seen his brother since he was arrested almost six months ago, and has been living as a student at Columbia University in New York.

During these months, Will has been photographed obviously intoxicated, next to various celebrities. This includes rumoured ex-boyfriend Max King, who he has been seen partying with several times, though they have not been seen together since the very beginning of summer this year. Max King is rumoured to be dating someone else currently.

On this list of celebrities is also the lesser-known front man of upcoming indie band, Another Winter. Parker Hayes and Will Lockwood were seen partying together after one of the band's most recent Seattle gigs.

It has been revealed by the Lockwood family that Parker Hayes and Will Lockwood dated officially for many months of last year, and only called it quits in February of this year. Since then, Hayes has risen to fame. Why this is, we cannot officially say.

However, Will Lockwood has links with music producer Henry Sullivan, and other big names in the music industry, so we can all make our own assumptions with that information in mind.

Their relationship is a subject of interest in the Arthur Evans case, as it is a well known fact that the resemblance between Will Lockwood and Arthur Evans is uncanny.

What does it tell you that Parker Hayes was also said to be involved with Arthur Evans and the Lockwood family long before he ever claimed to love Will Lockwood?

Hayes has been reported to have dated Arthur Evans and Jasmine Calloway, both who have been involved with the Lockwood family- specifically Dylan Lockwood. Jasmine Calloway, who passed away in February of this year, was also the ex-girlfriend of Dylan Lockwood.

It is also said that Hayes' team covered up the Lockwood connection as best they could, not wanting this to reflect badly on the band's reputation. Their efforts clearly proved to be useless.

It has been heavily implied by those involved in the Lockwood family that Will and Parker stay well connected, and still communicate with each other regularly. It has also been heavily implied that Will Lockwood still regularly uses recreational drugs and is still suffering with his mental health.

Both Will Lockwood and Parker Hayes are to be questioned in the upcoming murder trial of Dylan Lockwood, which is to be a public, televised case.

Though Dylan Lockwood may be the most interesting to follow of the family, Will Lockwood should not be dismissed, and should be watched carefully.

Article written by Angela Simons. 

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