~Chapter Twenty Eight~

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When Will was fourteen, he went to his first house party. He didn't really remember much of it if he was honest, but what he did know was that he had to apologise to the owner of the house after throwing up all over her walls. It was super embarrassing and he used some of that month's allowance to cover the clean up. After that he swore that he would never let himself feel humiliated at events involving alcohol.

That didn't necessarily mean that he changed his ways, he just stopped feeling bad about his act. And we all know how it went after that.

So when Jack asked Will where he was going on Friday night, rest assured that the news didn't take too well. Especially because Jack had a suitcase ready and was heading back to London that same evening. Parker's flight to L.A. was also booked early the following morning, and he honestly believed that his plane crashing to its doom was better than whatever crash was inevitably going to happen at this party.

A frat party. With a bunch of drunk, horny, american college students who couldn't hold a bottle of liquor to save their life. They drank 'punch' out of red solo cups and wore the least amount of clothing possible despite it being nearly winter in New York. Not only that, but it was Halloween.

The last Halloween party Will attended landed him spiked and broken hearted. If Parker hadn't also been in attendance, that night would have ended very differently.

"I'm a college student," was Will's defence, though his stance was far too relaxed for someone who knew he was going to be given a verbal beating over it. "I need to experience actual college things, and one of those things is a frat party. I'm getting the all-american experience here."

The costume this year was tame compared to last year. In fact, there wasn't even a costume. Will simply had on dark pencil eyeliner, another one of his open buttoned shirts, with that same shimmer on his porcelain skin. Tiny fake autumn leaves had been placed among his chocolatey curls, and Parker revelled in the scent of his usual expensive cologne. He'd know Will's scent from miles away. Like vanilla, inviting and warm, despite him acting the opposite nowadays.

It was deceiving.

"I'm pretty sure you've had a pretty good taste of the all-american experience, don't you think?" Jack replied sarcastically.

"Funny," Will snorted, pulling his phone out from his pocket, seeing a text from Eleanor saying she was in the lobby. It was difficult to get her on board with coming to this party, especially with what happened at her brother's wedding. The memory had him cringing inwardly, knowing that the events of that night were definitely something to be embarrassed about. "It's a frat party. I don't think much can go wrong."

It was Parker's turn to laugh as he entered the living room, plonking himself down on the sofa. After their argument a few days ago, he'd made the decision to stick to his plan to stay at the hotel with Jack. However, they'd both come to the penthouse to check on Will before they left to get on with their own lives.

"You're going to the home of frat boys. A frat house is filled with more internalised homophobia than the entirety of the city of London. Yet they all suck each other off in the showers after sports games, but call each other gay if they do anything that could be perceived as just being a good friend," Parker stated matter-of-factly.

At that Will rolled his eyes, replying with, "Neither of you went to uni, so what do you know?"

"I don't need a degree to know that American parties are shit in comparison to ours," Parker fired back smugly, scrolling through the messages on his phone.

When he saw Wyatt's name in the inbox, he clicked on his message first.

From Wyatt:

Think I found a listing in L.A. that you might like. Take a look :)

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