The rainbow Xenomorph

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Smarty - Okay if he really is part Xenomorph that really does make sense with the appearance and the attraction.

Tigs then gets a call from Perilous

Tigs answers it: What's up cousin?

Perilous - Uh Tigs , when I came to put your vikes away your lab is kind of..... Trashed.

Tigs is shocked: Wut?

Perilous- Yeah and some of your viles like the Aquatic forms , the gorilla , mantis , crocodile ,and T Rex potions are missing

Tigs: Oh no.

Smarty- What this it ?

Tigs: Some of my viles and potions are gone!

Sarah- The Xenos must have took them !

Kriplespac- Alright everyone , DO NOT panic ! All we gotta do is find the Queen and take her down , which will be easy for us to deal with the other Xenos !

But then they're being spied on the by the scientist. Jason walked dover to the window and sees them before he grabs them.

Scientist - Hey ! Let us go you weasel on steroids !

Jason: Hey guys we have a spy!

They look and see Jason holding the Weyland Scientists !

Tigs: So you must be the ones responsible for this!

Scientist 2- Let us go ! It's not our fault ! Doc here was the one who wanted to let the pregnant Queen and our female Xeno Experiment Six out for a test run since he made her with majority of human DNA !

They are shocked*

Pentol: Now this is even worser!

Morty: How do we stop them all?!

Doc- Alright alright hear us out ! First The reason we were spying on you because we're trying to find the Queen !

Scientist 2- Has she laid any eggs ?

Morty: Explain that outside.

They look and see a random Xeno using it's extra mouth to bite a guy's skull in.

Scientist 2 - Forget what I said , dumb question.

Sientist 3- Wait , if she already laid eggs then.... Oh dear I don't think this will be good...

Tigs: This is your fault, very stupid Idea to bring the queen to Toon town!

Smarty- Wait... What do you mean it's bad besides her eggs invading us ?!

Scientist 2- Well , you see first : We are from the infamous Alien research Company called Weyland Co.

Rocky: Oh.

Doc- Ever since Weyland died not from cancer but from an alien years ago , we took over his company and we captured three Xenos. There was one baby chestburster who didn't burst from her hsot's chest but from his mouth. Right then and there we knew she was special so we titled that female as Six. Unlike any other Xeno , she likes to toy around with her prey by teasing them and scaring them before she attacks...

Malikai: Oh good, but we need to know how do we stop them?!

Doc- LET US finish please !!

Malikai is silent.

Doc- Look that's what we're trying to explain. But the only way to find them was the navigator but it's all buffering and inactive

Smarty- No worries. Malikai has a powerful nose that tracks anyone's and anything's scent

Malikai- True

Scientist 2 - That's good.

Doc- But the reason why it's also important to take the Queen down is because of the human DNA we put inside her , after she laid her eggs there might be a possibility...

Smarty- Possibility of what ?

Doc- She might give birth.

Tigs: Oh no....

Doc- So we need to find her before she does or there will be a dangerous hybrid !

Smarty- Well let's not stand around and find that bitch !

With the Rainbow Friends....

White sleeps with her kittens puppies and kuppies

Chuba protects them*

Orange came: Guys, there's an alien invasion!

Yellow- What ?!

Red then hears shattering in the lab

Red: Everyone take care of the babies, I'll go see what it is.

He walks in and sees a Xenomorph getting into the viles

Red: Hey, those are my viles!

The xenonorph looks at him

Red: I demand you to step away from the viles!

He sees the Xenomorph holding that one particular vile

Xenomorph: No, no, put that back.

It then curiously chitters at the vile and drinks it

Red: No!

But then the Xenomorph started to cough crazily and groan in oain

Red: Oh this is bad.

He sees the Xenon's head and four spikes on his back turn red while his neck and chest become orange and yellow while the bottom of his stomach turn green while his legs and the beginning of his tail turn blue and his feet and the knife like end of his tail turn purple

Red: Easy, nice alien... *holds out meat* Are you hungry? I won't hurt you.

The now Rainbow alien looks at him and the meat

Red: I'm friendly.

The Rainbow Alien slowly and carefully went over

Red holds the meat for him*

Rainbow Alien carefully takes the meat with his tail

Red pets him: Good alien.

The alien purrs*

The Rainbow Friends went in

Blue: Um, is the alien friendly?

Red: Don't worry, he's tamed, he's on our side now.

Orange: So where is he going to sleep?

Red: In your room.

Yellow looks at Orange and Rainbow and laughs

Yellow- I see you two getting along now.

Orange gulped.

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