Jeri and Snowblade tamed again and the babies are born

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Von Kriplespac scratches their favorite spot, they Xenomorphs purred*

They all looked at him shocked.

Jenny- Um , how did you do that ?

Von Kriplespac: I did it to Jeri and it tames him.

Smarty- You really need to get out more.

But before they could continue Jeri , Snowblade and now Six appear growling viciously

Von Kriplespac: Jeri!

Savy: Snowblade!

Doc and his scientists look and see their female Xeno Experiment Number six.

Doc- Oh no... Not her...

They look at the female Xeno and see the number six burnt onto her forehead since she was a baby chestburster

Von Kriplespac: Jeri, wait it's me VK, remember?

Jeri growled and stood back as he deep down felt angry and betrayed by everyone he tried to prove he's different

Von Kriplespac: I'm sorry for what I did, I tried my very best to help you, I wasn't the same without you.

Jeri looks at him

Von Kriplespac went to him: I want you to back home with me, plus you have a baby brother.

Jeri is surprised

Von Kriplespac: Just please come back home with me.

Jeri lookd

Von Kriplespac hugs him*

Jeri is shocled

Von Kriplespac: Just please help us stop the queen, some of the folks are being killed.

Jeri chitters what if everyone will hate him

Von Kriplespac: They won't, they will see that your on the good side. A long with her and Snowblade.

Jeri smiled and snuggles him maoign him smile. Savy and John went over to Snowblade

John hugs Snowblade: I miss you buddy.

Snowblade looks shocked

John has tears*

Snowblade chittered really

John: Yes really.

Snowblade hugs him back.

Six watches both families

Morty: Now let's stop the queen

Ludel: Right.

Meanwhile at Bill's lair, they see the horror in the TV*

Bill chills as They're watching Ouija Origins

Hook Fang and the mutant fish watches*

Slobster: Whoa.

Shrimp Louie: Scary.

Aerith, Coral, Opal and Calypso came out of the room with the newborn babies*

Aerith- Hello honey

SkekSlaug: Awwww, I see we have a new member of the family.

Aerith- Her name is SkekAer.

She shows him a beautiful baby girl Skeksis with brown hair , his eyes , and light pink skin

SkekSlaug: Awww, Boys, Anya, meet your new baby sister.

They look and see SkekAer cooing

Jagger: Awwww.

Lancet: Hey baby sister.

She looks at them confused.

Halie shyly looks

Hook Fang: Can I hold her?

Aerith- Of course.

Hook Fang gently holds her. SkekAer looks at him

Anya: Hey little sister.

Halie- she's so small...

SkekAer looks at them confused

SkekAer- Eh ?

Hook Fang nuzzled her and SkekAer giggles*

Iguanoid came to Coral: Where's my little one?

Coral- Here's our baby.

She shows him an orange and green baby Mobian Goldfish like Coral and has a long Iguana tail sleeping and cooing

Iguanoid: Awwwww, it's a boy.

Coral smiled and nodded

Coral- His name is Betta

Iguanoid: Hello little Betta.

Betta wakes up cooing

Betta sees Iguanoid*

He coos to him

Iguanoid chuckles*

Killamari came to Opal: So where's the baby?

Opal gave him a sassy look.

Opal-( Playfully ) She's in my arms dum dum

Killamari looks*

It's a baby girl Mobian octopus like Opal with light grey skin and Pink tips and Killanaris etes

Killamari: Awwww, what's her name?

Opal- Her names is Octave

Killamari: I love that name.

Octave looks at her father

Killamari kisses her head and she giggless*

Ribbon went to Calypso looking at the twins*

Calypso - ( Smirks ) Take a good look Handsome~~

Ribbon looks*

He sees a baby ribbon eel who's a boy with Calypso's eyes and a baby Amphiuma and has Ribbon's eyes

Ribbon: Awwwww, what's their names?

Calypso- your baby boy is named Streaker. And my baby girl is named Amino

Ribbon: I love those names.

The babies giggled*

Chompers, Miss Heed arrives and the Cobra dogWhere stories live. Discover now