The white hybrid alien

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With the Queen.....

She paces around angry until she started feeling pains in her stomach

She is going to have more eggs*

Or so she thought. She's going to give birth as she's already in labor

The others looked around*

They hear the Queen screeching in pain

Doc: Oh no! She's going to do it!

Michel- Do what ?!

Doc: The white newborn....

Red- Does she even know she's giving birth ?!

Doc: No.

Tigs- Great. She doesn't know she's giving birth.

In the Hive.....

The Queen roarwd in pain as she falls to the floor

The queen screeches*

In a small cave close to the hive...

Sporde could hear the Queen scream in labor

Sporde- What's going on ?

Sarah sighs sadly as she is wearing a necklace that blocks her powers*

She has to find a way to keep up with her plan

Kai: Mama.

She looks at her baby

Sarah picks him up: Don't worry, I'll figure out a way son.

He then sucks on his thumb but he accidentally bites it making him yell in pain and they look.

They see his blood drop to the floor and reveals to be acidic , giving Sarah an idea as she gasped

Sarah: I have a plan.

Kai looks at her.

Kai- Eh ?

Back with the heroes.....

They rush and rush to the hive as they hear the Queen painfully giving birth

Doc: We need to stop her fast!

Smarty- How is it bad about a baby ?!

They look and see her screech as she gives birth to a smalls now white Xenos baby with human like arms adorable red eyes and small fangs ( Similar to a predator) and lrgs that resemble both Xeno and human

Smarty- it's... Small.

Doc- God no... It's the white hybrid...

The Queen chittered and looks as she sees the White hybrid baby cooing and looking at her.

Maisie: What's it going to do?

Jenny- I don't know...

The small hybrid alien baby coos as it went on her chest and looks the Queen in the eye. The Queen chittered rather affectionately as she sniffed the baby.

Petunia - It's kinda... Cute

Jenny- Yeah..l

Smarty looks at Doc and his team

Smarty- Seriously?! Is this what you guys are afraid about?! A small curious alien baby ?!

Savy: It seems harmless.

Jenny - Yeah.

But when the baby sniffed the Queen it growled and grimaced at her

Snips: Why is it growling at her?

The baby then glared took out it's sharp claws and slashed them across her throat decapitating the big Xenomorph Queen's head clean off , rejecteing her in the process

They dropped their jaws*

Savy: Oh my!

Tigs: I've heard of a female mantis cut off the male's head but I've never seen the other way around!

Doc- The baby didn't recognize her scent and rejected her as it's mother

Pentol: Freaky.

Fishface - so if the Queen isn't clearly his mother then it must he that humans DNA you put in her which it think that's it's mother !

Smarty - But who is that mother ? We only have few of our human friends today.

Smarty holds his wife close hoping it's not her.

The newborn sniffs the air trying to find the scent

Samartha: Oh boy.

Jenny backed away before she trips over a rock

Jenny- Whoa !

The newborn hears her"

The newborn turned around and sees the group and Jenny had fell. The baby chittered and sprinted over

Maisie: Jenny!

Spike- Babe !

The baby went into her lap and growled. Jenny froze still afraid of the dangerous small baby and quietly whimpered as it started to sniff her

Smarty- Why's he sniffing her for ?

After some time taking her scent in , he lets out a growl mixed with a soft whine

Snips: Awwww, I think your it's mommy!

Jenny- Snips... Shut up...

The baby cooed and nuzzles it's head on her chest

Muskrat: Awwww, so cute!

Jenny started to realize something. The human DNA... It was hers.. that's why she lost some blood.

Maisie: You okay?

Jenny- The scientist took my DNA to make the newborn....

Tigs: Dang.

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