Sporde takes Sarah

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With the heroes....

They follow Malikai's nose scent

Issac: So we take out the queen and the Xenomorphs will listen to us?

Doc- Yes. If not you can always use fire torches

Von Kriplespac: I see, it's a good thing Rin is babysitting Hendrich.

Doc- oh congratulations. You better pray your bird doesn't become alien food !

Jenny- So who's DNA you use to hybridize the Queen ?

The scientist exchanged anxious looks.

Scientist 3- We rather not say.

Malikai: We're here.

But before they could make it to the entrance...

They hear hissing

Pentol: We have company.

They look and see Sporde- smirking s they see a Mantis-Xeno and a Gorilla-Morph by his side

Sporde- We'll well well. Hello there losers.

Sarah whimpers and hides behind Fishface*

Smarty- You !

Fishface- What do you want ?!

Sporde- I guess you all figured out I'm officially part Xenomorph right ?

Kai is in Ludel's hair*

Sporde looks

Ludel: What are you looking at?

Sporde- Your pathetic goth face

Ludel gasped: How dare you!

Kai popped out of Ludel's hair*

Sporde looks.

Sporde- We'll well well. You must be my son...

Kai is confused, he coos*

Sporde bent down to his level

Sporde- He little guy..... Your mother didn't tell you about me ? I'm your real father...

Kai: P...p...Papa?

Sarah: Don't hurt my son!

Sporde- Of course not ! Why would I want to hurt my own son ? My own offspring ?

Sporde scooped Kai up in his arms

Fishface - Hey ! Give our son back !

Sporde- You mean MY SON !! And you hid him from me ! ( To Ludel ) Oh by the way , Goth boy ,. Heard one of our Xenos screwed your wife

Ludel gasped: Why you-

Malikai: No no Ludel, don't go savage on him!

Sporde- He's right. In holding my baby. And your wife deserved it for being a little French slut.

Ludel growls angrily*

Kai has tears: Mama! Mama!

Sarah- Let my son go !

Sporde- Hmm.... No. Since you lied to me and kept my own son from me , IM taking him away !

Kai cries. Sporde looks at the mutated Xenos

Sporde- Take care of them. I'm checking on the Queen.

He leaves

Sarah: Wait!

Sporde stops*

Sarah: You can take me as well. I'll be your wife.

Sporde- Really ?

Fishface- Sarah ?! Are you crazy ?! I'm not losing you agai--

Sarah looks at him

Sarah winks at him*

Fishface looks and realizes what her plan is and nodded understandingly.

Sporde- How will I know you won't keep anymore secrets or lies like my son from me again ?

Sarah went to him: I realize the error of my ways, I was about to tell you that you have a son, but you never got any of my messages.

Sporde- Then how come Everytime I check there is nothing from you ?

Bebop: Kai was sleeping in the covers.

Sporde- I meant messages you cheesy 80s looking swine !

Bebop: Oh.

Sarah: You were using a new phone instead of your old phone.

Sporde realized about that*

Sporde- Oh right. ( looks at Sarah ) Very well then. If you really meant all that then fine.

Sporde grabbed her too. Fishface trusts Sarah's plan. Sporde looks at the mutated Xenos

Sporde- Now deal with them.

Sporde heads back to the hive while the mutant Xenos hissed at them

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