Chapter 1 | Accepted

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*-ϟ -ϟ-*

"I got accepted!" I grin, showing him the letter.

"Haha, six years of trying." Draco chuckles, brushing his platinum hair back.

I nod, "I do find it weird they didn't accept me and waited this long, though!"

"Hm?" Draco shrugs.

I grab him and hug him.

"You're going to ruin my hair and it looks great right now!" Draco guffaws.

He pushes me away and I pout, jokingly.

"So, you're joining the fourth year?" Draco continued with a smug expression.

"Well, yeah, you idiot!"

*-ϟ -(A week later)-ϟ-*

Draco shakes me, "Woah, Y/n, you alright?" he asks.

"Draco! Bad dream."

I yawn and stretch.

"Where's Mattheo?" I ask.

"Think he was with Nott, in the room breakfast. "

"Great," I reply and stand up, quickly.

I walk to the door but before I can open it slams in my face.

"Ow, what the fuck?!"

"Y/n! Holy! Y/n! Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I came to wake you up-" Mattheo says, crouching beside me, "Oh, god, you're bleeding!"

"Chill out," Draco says, walking past him.

"Yeah, whatever," Mattheo says, standing up, "Get dressed and take care of it yourself. I don't even care?"

"You okay?" Theo asks, appearing in the doorway.

Draco grabs him and drags him along the hallway. Mattheo follows behind.

*-ϟ -(Breakfast room)-ϟ-*

I walk into the room, holding The Daily Prophet. I sit beside Mattheo.

"What you lookin' at?" Theo asks.

On the front page of The Daily Prophet is a photograph of the millennium bridge crashing into the themes. But even more prominent is the silhouette of a young wizard and the headline: HARRY POTTER: THE CHOSEN ONE?

Young Wizard Destined to Kill You-Know-Who?

"Harry is the one destined to kill Our Lord or something. I don't know. That's not very nice, to be honest. Anyway, you know Harry Potter?" I ask.

"I hate Potter," Draco mutters.

"Alright..? Well, I have great news for you!"

"He died, trying to conjure a plan?"

"Noo! Hogwarts gave everyone a Witch or Wizard penpal a few years ago and, I was his!"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I never sent anything to mine," Draco says before glaring at me, "Wait..."

"Yeah, and, I told him I was coming to Hogwarts. He asked what my opinion of Our Lord was and I told him I hate him. He asked me to help defeat him. I'm gonna use everything against him. I've already spoken to Our Lord and he gave me a lot of rules. I must report back. I am letting you know because I'll be hanging out with him a lot. I need to gain his trust and stuff."


"What? So, you're ditching us for Potter?" Mattheo asks.

"For a good reason. Our Lord must know his plans," I say.

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