Chapter One: "Field Trip Slip"

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Hello, guys! I'd just like to thank everyone for all the support I've gotten on my Rainbow Friends books; it's honestly such a huge honor that so many people enjoy the story and its characters! As such, it has given me the motivation to rewrite all three books, because right now I'm not exactly satisfied with them and I'd like to change some things.

Please keep in mind, new readers, that despite what Wattpad says, this series ran from late 2022 to early 2023. I can't seem to figure out a way to edit that, so I had to put it here.

Before reading volume one, please acknowledge that there will no longer be any warnings added as to avoid any spoilers. This story will include graphic descriptions of gore/death, so if you're disturbed by those sorts of things, I recommend that you do not read this book. This is a survival horror story, so there's bound to be lots of death.

But with that outta the way, happy reading! 〜♡

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"Veronicaaa!" An excited young girl dashes into the living room, leaping right onto the couch next to her older sister.

Veronica looks away from the TV for a moment to look at her little sister. "What's up, Maya?" She asks in amusement.

Maya giggles gleefully and holds up a permission slip. "My class is going on a field trip to Odd World tomorrow!" She bounces slightly in place, obviously eager about it. Veronica only chuckles softly as she ruffles Maya's hair and takes the paper from her to inspect it more closely. It looks to be a field trip to an amusement park of sorts.

Cute little characters are printed along the sides of the paper, all of which are from a cartoon that Maya loves to watch. What show is it again? The Rainbow Funtime Friends show? Veronica giggles, remembering Maya's unreasonable obsession with that particular show. She's already nine years old and somehow still enjoys shows like that.

"And you're showing me this because...?" Veronica hands the permission slip back to Maya, who pouts a little at being questioned like this. "Because they're allowing chaperones, and mommy's always too busy to go, so..." Maya looks off to the side and shrugs sheepishly. "I thought maybe you would wanna come instead."

Veronica sighs a little bit, feeling bad that Maya has to come to her because their mother is rarely ever available, physically and emotionally speaking. She can't deny that Maya's wish to spend time with her warms her heart though, so that helps to make the situation not so bad. After all, who would ever turn down free fun?

"Sure, I'll tag along." Veronica smiles fondly at her younger sister. Maya's expression immediately lights up, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and before Veronica knows it, she's being crushed in a tight hug that knocks the wind out of her. "Oof— Careful, Maya..." She laughs out, lightly pushing at her sister's shoulders to get some room.

Maya squeals happily before finally letting Veronica go. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best big sister ever!" She beams brightly at her. Veronica lets out a small laugh and shakes her head. "Whatever you say, Maya..." She murmurs teasingly. "Now go get ready for bed, alright? I've gotta go out grocery shopping soon anyway."

Maya whines a little and tugs on Veronica's sleeve as if begging her to stay longer. "But I don't wanna go to sleeeep!" Her voice comes out all high-pitched and squeaky. "Fine, I guess you'll just have to be late to your field trip tomorrow then..." Veronica teases with a playful smirk, watching as Maya's face turns bright red with frustration.

"That's not fair!" Maya pouts even more, crossing her arms in a very childish manner. Veronica laughs at her sister's antics and gives her a quick peck on the forehead before standing up. "I'll be back soon, okay? I expect to see you in bed by 10 PM." She warns. Maya just nods obediently and runs off to brush her teeth before getting ready for bed.

Rainbow Friends: Project ODD Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now